Serial Child Rapist Arrested After Using Abortion to Cover His Crimes

National   |   Carole Novielli   |   Feb 27, 2014   |   2:08PM   |   London, England

A sexual predator from Plymouth who contacted a 14-year-old just hours after being freed from prison has been jailed after he made her pregnant and bullied her into having an abortion.

Stephen Lobb seduced the victim despite having been jailed for making another under age girl pregnant. He contacted her on the day after he was let out.

When the girl from Plymouth became pregnant he told her to ‘get rid of it’ and then left her for another girl who was only a few months older.

Lobb, aged 20, formerly of Paradise Road, Plymouth, but now living in Carlton Road, Torquay, admitted four offenses of sexual activity with children and was jailed for three and a half years at Exeter Crown Court.

stephenlobbJudge Francis Gilbert, QC, told him:”In April 2012 you were sentenced to eight weeks in a Young Offenders’ Institution for eight weeks for sexual activity with a child under 16, who had become pregnant as a result of what you did. That was extremely lenient.

“You were released on May 30 and the following day you contacted a 14-year-old girl. As a result of that you were arrested but the case was discontinued and you were released.

“You should have learned your lesson and kept well away but on the next day, knowing full well her age, you contacted her and persuaded her to have sex with you

“You had sex with her ten to 12 times and she says she was always reluctant but you persisted. You did not use contraception and in October she became pregnant.

“You told her to ‘get rid of it’, which is not a very nice way to speak to a young girl of that age. She had a termination and you told her not to tell her mother about you.

“That would have been bad enough, but you went on to have sexual intercourse with another girl of 15. She said no on the first occasion because of her age but you persuaded her.

“You must have known these girls were under 16. The law is there to protect young girls from their own folly and from predation from young men like you.

According to the pro-life group, Life Dynamics, Inc. sexual predators using abortion to cover their crimes are not new to the United States.


In January the Mercury News, reported that a 39 year-old Redwood City man was sentenced to 25 years in state prison after he impregnated his 12-year-old daughter and brought her to a hospital for an abortion.

Authorities say that Manuel Jacinto repeatedly raped the 12-year-old and then took her to San Mateo Medical Center to terminate her pregnancy, according to the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office.

Police began investigating Jacinto after hospital officials notified police. Jacinto told officers that a 12-year-old boy named “Giovanni” was the father but police requested a DNA sample from Jacinto.

On Dec. 23, 2013, Jacinto pleaded no contest to three felony counts of forcible child molestation on the condition that he wouldn’t be sentenced to more than 25 years behind bars. He will also have to register as a sex offender upon his release.

Crutcher points out that in the Jacinto case, the hospital notified authorities rather than returning the child back to her abuser.

But, according to Crutcher, “Had this father taken his 12-year-old daughter to a Planned Parenthood or some other abortion clinic rather than a hospital we have proven that they would not have reported the crime.”

Life Dynamics has documented the use of abortion as a means to cover child sexual abuse.

Life Dynamics has also documented how Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry covers for child sexual predators.

In 2002, Life Dynamics conducted an undercover investigation in which Life Dynamics called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities across the nation. The results of this survey were appalling. Even though many of these clinics openly acknowledged to our caller that this situation was illegal and they were required to report it to the state, the overwhelming majority readily agreed to conceal this illegal activity. (Listen to actual audio taped conversations here)

“When we began to investigate we found it was even worse than we thought it was. Initially we thought perhaps the abortion clinics were only reporting half of the incidents, but instead we found that they were reporting hardly any of them,” Life Dynamics president Mark Crutcher said.

Life Dynamics, Inc. in conjunction with several personal injury attorneys around the country has begun a campaign to educate the public about the pedophile protection racket covered up inside abortion clinics.

LifeNews Note: Carole Novielli is the author of the blog Saynsumthn, where this article originally appeared.