Her 4-Minute Story Could Totally Change the Way You Look at Abortion in Cases of Rape or Incest

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   May 9, 2014   |   3:39PM   |   Washington, DC

Monica was shocked to learn that her birth-mother was raped, but when she came to terms with how her life was spared; she resolved to do more good for the world by saving more lives.

As Monica says:

monicakelsey7There are moments in our lives that define us–that push us, sometimes kicking and screaming, to be the person we are or to realize the person we could be. For some, it’s a series of life events, but for others, it’s a single, defining moment of clarity that hits you like lightning from the Heavens. For me, this single, defining moment was meeting my birth mother and discovering that I was a child conceived, not in love, but by a brutal act of violence.

I often wonder what my life would be like had I never went searching for her and never uncovered the truth of my birth. Would I still be attending church “some” Sundays and carving out exceptions for abortion if the child was conceived by rape?

My answer, happily, is no because, since I met my birth mother I have become a better person, a better daughter, and a better Christian.