Crazy Pro-Abortion Ad Warns of a Condom Shortage if Pro-Life Candidate Wins

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Oct 29, 2014   |   11:54AM   |   Denver, CO

The pro-abortion group NARAL has released a new ad that takes the cake when it comes to the phony war on women tactics the pro-abortion side has launched against the pro-life Senate candidate Cory Gardner in Colorado. The ad is quickly becoming the laughingstock of Twitter as more people hear it and realize NARAL has completely jumped the shark.

corygardner16The ad suggests that if Coliorado voters elect Gardner (right), there will be a condom shortage. NARAL and its Colorado affiliate launched radio, television and digital ads telling viewers that, “if Cory Gardner gets his way, you better stock up on condoms.”

Never mind that Gardner has suggested birth control be sold over the counter and that local newspapers from the Denver Post to the Loveland Reporter Herald have criticized pro-abortion Mark Udall for running a phony baloney one-issue campaign with false claims that Gardner opposes contraception. NARAL is going a step further.

Here is the ad and transcript:

Woman: Did you try the corner market?
Man: Of course.
Woman: Grocery store?
Man: Sold out?
Woman: Drug store?
Man: Come on.
Woman: So *everyone’s* sold out of condoms? Hmm. How did this happen?
Man: Cory Gardner banned birth control. And now, it’s all on us guys. And you can’t find a condom *anywhere*. And the pill was just the start. Pell grants my little brother was counting on for college? Cory cut them. Climate change that *everyone* knows is weirding our weather, Cory flat-out denies it. Sweet Pea, Cory denies science.
Woman: Come on!
Man: This guy has no idea what’s going on in the real world.

One conservative writer has already torn the ad to pieces:

An instant classic via the Federalist and a concise demonstration of what the Denver Post had in mind when it endorsed Gardner a few weeks ago, dismissing Mark “Uterus” Udall’s incessant war-on-women messaging in Colorado as an “obnoxious one-issue campaign [and] an insult to those he seeks to convince.”

Here’s NARAL backing Udall up with the stupidest ad of the campaign, in which a guy who — famously — backs making birth control available over the counter somehow becomes the grim reaper of prophylactics, singlehandedly banning the pill and triggering a run on condoms coast to coast. I’m surprised that NARAL thinks he’d leave condoms alone; if the GOP’s goal, as more excitable feminists assure themselves, is to keep women pregnant and out of the work force, it makes no sense to leave condoms on the shelves after the pill has disappeared. Maybe NARAL figured that a simple double-standard critique was more effective. Sure, Cory will allow birth control for men, but not for women. Apart from the freely available OTC birth control for women that he supports, I mean.

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The Hill has more on the ridiculous ad:

The television and Web ads close with a shot of a couple in bed looking frustrated after they realize they’ve run out of the prophylactic.

And the radio ad features a conversation between a couple after the man has returned empty-handed from a condom run that took him to every store in the neighborhood.

“So, everyone’s sold out of condoms! How did this happen?” the woman asks incredulously.

“Cory Gardner banned birth control. And now it’s all on us guys, and you can’t find a condom anywhere,” the man replies.

The campaign, which the groups describe as “edgy,” is backed by $450,000. The television ad is running on statewide cable, while the radio ad is airing in the Denver market and the online ad is targeted at young voters, and particularly young male voters.