Nancy Pelosi Vows to Stay Democratic Leader, Calls Pro-Life Victory “Voter Suppression”

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Nov 6, 2014   |   1:03PM   |   Washington, DC

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says she want to remain the top Democrat in the House, announcing she will run again for her leadership position.Her take on the massive pro-life election victory on Tuesday night is that Republicans won a victory because of “voter suppression.”

The Washington Times has more

nancypelosipic2House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked her fellow Democrats to keep her on as their leader in the new Congress next year, saying she still has unfinished goals she wants to accomplish.

She said the chief message she took from Tuesday’s election, which saw Democrats eviscerated at all levels, is that voter suppression was a problem.
“To succeed, we must inspire, educate and remove obstacles to participation. Only by changing our political environment and broadening the universe of the electorate can we build a strong sense of community and an economy that works for everyone,” she said.

The Californian is likely to get her colleagues’ support to remain as their leader, and Senate Democrats’ leader, Sen. Harry Reid, has indicated he will stay on as they shift to the minority, meaning that despite devastating losses in both chambers, Democrats will keep their leadership team intact.

Reid will lose his post as Majority Leader to pro-life Sen. Mitch McConnell after Republicans won enough seats to take over the Senate, but he plans to stay on as the Minority Leader and top Democrat. However, one report indicates he may not have as much support as he had had int he past from his pro-abortion caucus.

When Senate Democrats meet for the first time next week since Election Day, Harry Reid is expected to easily win reelection as their leader. He’s raised millions of dollars for his colleagues, served as the public face of GOP disgust and tried, though failed, to protect some of his colleagues by blocking legislation from votes in the past year.

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But the loss of as many as nine seats has only intensified the anger and frustration that’s been brewing among a small band of Senate Democrats, who suggested Wednesday that they might withhold support for their leader.

Reid (D-Nev.) still enjoys the support of his top three lieutenants, Sens. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who said through aides on Wednesday that they will back him again. Other rank-and-file Democrats are expected to close ranks. In the words of Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), “It’s his — if he still wants it.”

But a small group of moderates who say they have a deeply principled, if naive belief that they’re supposed to be legislating on a regular basis, will head into closed-door meetings with the hope of extracting assurances that Democrats will be more willing to cut deals with members of both parties and allow votes on all sorts of legislation. They have very little sway over operations of the Senate, but see the results of Tuesday’s elections a signal that things must change quickly.

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), a first-term senator who’s clashed with top leaders before, declined twice during an interview on Wednesday to express support for Reid.

“I think we’re going to have a discussion about how we move forward and I think until we have that discussion, I don’t think anyone should be making any judgements about leadership,” she said.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) was especially explicit, calling the Democratic defeat “a real ass-whuppin.”

Reid has done pro-abortion President Barack Obama’s bidding and ensured that abortion-funding Obamacare was passed through on a party-line vote, with not a single Republican voting in favor of the legislation. Reid made sure that no pro-life bills received a vote in the Senate — including measures to stop taxpayer funding of abortions and a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks, when unborn babies can feel pain.

With Republicans winning the Senate, pro-life advocates will have control of both the House and Senate and a real opportunity to pass pro-life bills or put pro-life language in must-pass legislation in a way that would force pro-abortion President Barack Obama to either sign the bills or veto them and face intense pro-life opposition.

If there is one main takeaway from Tuesday’s mid-term elections, it’s the fact that the phoney, baloney “war on women” is over. Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and their pro-abortion allies have desperately tried to tag pro-life groups and candidates with the anti-woman tag by claiming the oppose women by virtue of the fact that they oppose abortion and being forced to pay for abortion-causing drugs.