Man Beat His Girlfriend Until She Was Unconscious After Learning She Aborted His Baby

International   |   Sarah Zagorski   |   Jul 13, 2015   |   2:53PM   |   London, England

In the United Kingdom, 51-year-old Karl Billinger beat his girlfriend until she was unconscious after learning she aborted their baby.

The Cornishman reports that Nina Granger was covered in her own blood, had a swollen right eye and had bruises all over her body by the time Billinger finished beating her. To make matters worse, at the time of the incident Granger was battling liver disease and suffered a perforated liver in the violent attack.

Initially, Billinger admitted to causing grievous bodily harm but denied that this was his intent. However, later he pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent on the day his trial began. Defense attorney, Nicholas Bradley, said the following about his clients actions: “Even if he is correct in his assertions as to what caused him to lose his control, it is not justifiable in any way. He was shocked by what he had done and that may account to some extent for his demeanor at the time the police saw him.”

Now the judge involved in the case, Recorder Ignatius Hughes, has sentenced Billinger to seven years in prison. He also said that the victim’s suffering is extensive. He explained, “She is a mess, she has a badly swollen right eye, she is covered in her own blood.” He said to Billinger, “You of course would have seen that and known how often and how hard you had hit her. You did not call the police or an ambulance.”

Additionally, the court heard that Billinger had not been violent towards Granger in the past. Prior to the incident, Billinger came home drunk and demanded that she have sex with him but she refused because she wasn’t feeling well. Garth Richardson, from the Crown Persecution Service, explained, “He, on her refusal attacked her. He pulled her out of bed and started punching her in the head and the side and the back.”

While abortion activists like to talk about how abortion is supposedly beneficial for relationships, this is one of countless stories LifeNews has reported over the years showing either a partner engaging in violence towards a wife or girlfriend who has had an abortion or a husband or boyfriend attacking his partner because she refused to have an abortion. Either way, it’s additional evidence that abortion is not beneficial for women or their relationships.

Here’s more from the story:

A seriously ill woman was beaten until she was unconscious by her carer after he flew into a rage, leaving her with a life-threatening internal injury. Nina Granger would have looked like a mess, with a badly swollen right eye, bruises all over her body and covered in her own blood after Karl Billinger finished assaulting her, Truro Crown Court heard on Friday.

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Despite her obvious injuries and unconscious state, Billinger, 51, chose not to call for help and instead sat down in the living room of Ms Granger’s Newlyn flat, which was where he remained until police arrived at the scene having been alerted by neighbors.

Ms Granger, who was ill with serious liver disease at the time of the assault, was taken to hospital where it was discovered that she had also suffered a perforated liver in the vicious beating.

At an earlier hearing Billinger, of Chywoone Crescent, Newlyn, admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm (GBH) on Ms Granger but denied doing so with intent to cause her GBH. He changed his plea to guilty to causing GBH with intent on the day his trial was due to start despite Ms Granger being too unwell to come to court. Garth Richardson, for the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “Her prognosis is not good. She is still alive but not in a very well state.”
