Two Year Old Boy’s Condition Improving After Doctors Claimed He Was “Brain Dead”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jul 22, 2016   |   10:04AM   |   Washington, DC

A 2-year-old California boy who nearly lost his life when a hospital declared him “brain dead” continues to thrive at his new care facility.

Israel Stinson’s parents recently shared a new update about their son’s condition. Several doctors have determined that he is not “brain dead,” and he is beginning to take breaths on his own without a ventilator, his parents said.

The situation began in April when Israel suffered a severe asthma attack at his home in California. The toddler’s situation took a turn for the worse when he was transferred from a Sacramento hospital to a Kaiser area hospital on April 12 and placed on life support. Less than 24 hours after the hospital admitted Israel, the staff said Israel was “brain dead”; and, against his parent’s wishes, doctors planned to withdraw his life support, according to Life Legal Defense Foundation, which is representing the family.

After a series of court battles, Israel’s family was able to stop the hospital from removing their son’s life support; however, the family was forced to take him out of the country in May to a hospital that agreed to treat him. Since then, several doctors have determined that Israel has brain damage, but he is not brain dead, Life Legal said.

In June, Life Legal announced that Israel had improved so much that he is ready to leave the hospital. However, the family is facing financial barriers to bring him back to the U.S.



His parents recently shared this update:

… with each passing day he is doing better and better. He is still gaining weight, he is now responding more and more to touch and sound, his medications have been reduced and he is still taking some of his own breaths outside of the ventilator settings. Israel is doing such an awesome job of healing and we believe it is only a matter of time and patience before he opens his eyes.

We are so close to bringing Israel back home to the United States now that he’s been able to receive an EEG test and a pediatric neurologist stating he is indeed not “brain dead”. We have found an amazing hospital to further treat Israel but we are only a few steps behind in the financial process.

The family has a lot of medical expenses because their health insurance won’t cover Israel’s care. Their insurance is through the same Kaiser hospital group that declared Israel “brain dead,” according to Life Legal. Israel’s journey back to the U.S. will be extremely expensive because he needs to fly on a specially equipped air ambulance, the group reports. Ultimately, Israel’s family said they hope his condition will improve enough that the can care for him at home.

“We strongly appreciate every one of our donators and every one who consistently prays for our son, really without your help it would not have been possible to get this far in the first place,” Israel’s parents said in their latest message.

Several medical experts, including a neurologist and a pediatric specialist, examined Israel and agreed that he does not meet the criteria for brain death, the pro-life legal group said. An EEG performed in May also indicated that the toddler showed signs of brain activity, according to the group.

Since the “brain dead” diagnosis, witnesses also observed Israel reacting to his mother’s voice and touch and captured several of the occasions in a series of videos on YouTube. One video shows the toddler shrugging as his mother talks to him and tickles him. On the video, his mother says his monitors also indicate that he is reacting to her voice and touch. Another video shows him moving as his mother massages and moves his legs.

Israel’s parents have an online fundraiser here. Donations to help Israel also may be made through Life Legal here.
