Lifetime TV Channel Pushes Scarlett Johansson Interview Promoting Planned Parenthood

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Oct 26, 2016   |   5:34PM   |   Washington, DC

Lifetime TV just stepped into the national debate about abortion and Planned Parenthood.

On Monday, the A&E network encouraged its Twitter fans to watch a short interview with actress Scarlett Johansson talking about the abortion chain Planned Parenthood.

The women-focused network tweeted:

Johansson, who stars in the “Avengers” movies, is a vocal advocate for abortion and Planned Parenthood. In the short interview, she touted Planned Parenthood’s health care services to women and lamented that politicians are trying to defund it.

“Planned Parenthood in a lot of ways is the only reliable and trustworthy option for a lot of people,” Johansson said in the video. “Right now, the threat of defunding Planned Parenthood seems more real than ever. A woman’s right to choose is a very personal one and should not be a political issue. It’s so important to stand behind Planned Parenthood and support them.”

Earlier this month, Johansson received an award for her abortion advocacy at the 2016 Power of Women Los Angeles luncheon – presented by Variety and Lifetime TV.

Johansson’s statements, backed by Lifetime, could not be further from the truth for many women who have walked through Planned Parenthood’s doors.

The abortion chain has been caught failing to report the sexual abuse of young girls in several cases. Undercover investigations by Live Action revealed some employees also were willing to help cover up child sex trafficking, and others gave very young teens dangerous advice about practicing sadomasochism, or torture sex, viewing pornography online and circumventing laws that require parental involvement in reproductive health decisions.

Several women also have died after having abortions at Planned Parenthood facilities. Two years ago, the abortion business paid a $2 million settlement to the family of an Illinois women who died from a botched abortion at one of its facilities. The Planned Parenthood facility reportedly waited five hours before sending the woman to the hospital and never called 911.

Pro-life leaders also are looking into another abortion-related death in Michigan involving a young woman named Cree Erwin. Erwin died just three days after she had an abortion at the Planned Parenthood facility in Kalamazoo on June 30, 2016, according to records obtained by Operation Rescue.

Most disturbing of all, Planned Parenthood has destroyed the lives of almost 7 million unborn baby girls and boys in abortions, rather than offering these babies and their mothers the support that they deserve.

If Lifetime TV is “the most favorite and trusted network for women,” as it claims, it should stop promoting a group that has damaged and destroyed millions of women’s lives.

Action: Contact A&E to complain at [email protected] or click here.
