Newborn Baby Born Without a Face, Mom Refused Abortion to Give Him a Chance to Live

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Nov 4, 2016   |   11:26AM   |   Botosani, Romania

Against doctors’ recommendations, a 40-year-old Romanian woman recently refused to abort her unborn son because of a rare deformity.

Doctors at Saint Mary Children Hospital in Botosani, Romania said the woman was desperate to have a child because a serious illness earlier in life had prevented her from having children, according to the Daily Star.

Though the report does not provide many details, the woman likely was heartbroken when doctors told her that her unborn son had a rare deformity and was missing most of his face.

Hospital spokesperson Radu Terine explained: “The child lacked the central area of the face and the mouth ceiling area. These cases are extremely rare. In fact there are only eight such cases declared and known in the whole world and it is the first in Romania.”

As is increasingly common in such cases, doctors recommended that she consider aborting her unborn son. She refused, choosing instead to give her baby boy the chance that he deserves.

She gave birth to her little boy about a month ago, and on Monday, doctors at Saint Mary performed an eight-hour surgery to reconstruct his face, according to the report. Doctors said the baby boy will need several more surgeries in the future.

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“They said that although the operation was extremely difficult for both the medical staff and risky for the baby, it was an essential first step to give the child a chance of living a relatively normal life,” according to the report. “… Doctors said that the mother knew about the risks, but insisted on continuing with the pregnancy.”

Hospital spokesperson Catalina Ionescu said the baby boy is “very much wanted” by his family.

In the modern world, abortion often is suggested and sometimes encouraged when doctors detect possible health problems with the unborn child. Even unborn babies with easily correctable deformities like cleft palates have been targeted for abortion.

Despite this modern eugenic push, many parents like this Romanian family still recognize that their baby, healthy or not, deserves a chance at life.
