Biased Committee Recommends Legalizing Unlimited Abortions on Unborn Babies in Ireland

International   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Dec 13, 2017   |   2:27PM   |   Washington, DC

The biased legislative committee tasked with considering whether or not Ireland should legalize abortion has issued its recommendation. The committee says the pro-life country should overturn its long-standing protections for unborn children and legalize unlimited abortions on unborn babies up to 12 weeks of age.

The Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment voted 12-5 to recommend abortions in any instance, including cases where the unborn baby is merely disabled.

The recommendation is no surprise given that the committee was stacked to support abortion.

A Government Committee is currently underway, discussing various aspects of the abortion debate.  In order to do so, it invited witnesses from both side of the debate but it was clear from the outset that the Committee was irretrievably biased – 24 of the invited speakers were in favour of repeal of the 8th Amendment, while just 4 speakers supported keeping the 8th.  This bias has become even worse since then, with the result that there are now 27 speakers in favour of Repeal, and just 3 in favour of keeping the 8th Amendment.

Today, international abortion lobby group the Centre for Reproductive Rights, which is currently fundraising abroad to help repeal the 8th Amendment, was flown into Ireland at the cost of the taxpayer to make a presentation to the Committee, explaining why they think abortion should be liberalised here.

To add insult to injury, the Committee members opted to vote some weeks ago, before all of the evidence was heard.  At that time, they voted not to keep the 8th Amendment in its current form, a development that would, in time, lead to abortion on wide-ranging grounds.

The Committee invited witnesses from both side of the debate but it was clear from the outset that the Committee was irretrievably biased – 24 of the invited speakers were in favour of repeal of the 8th Amendment, while just 4 speakers supported keeping the 8th.

Polling data shows people in Ireland are not fully informed about the negative effects of abortion.

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Research released by the ProLife Campaign shows a startling lack of knowledge on the part of the public when it comes to abortion. Just 6% of the public are aware that 1 in 5 pregnancies in England now end in abortion. Just 10% of the public are aware that 90% of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted in England. The research reveals that the public think considerably fewer abortions are performed than is actually the case.

Polls indicate Irish voters do not want abortion on demand. A recent poll by the Irish Times/Iposos MRBI found that just 24 percent of voters said they would support a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment and legalize abortion for any reason up to 22 weeks of pregnancy.