Actor Stephen Baldwin Will Star in New Roe v. Wade Movie: The Story of What Really Happened

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jan 19, 2018   |   1:29PM   |   Washington, DC

Actor Stephen Baldwin is slated to join the cast of an upcoming film detailing the true story behind Roe v. Wade.

Baldwin, known for his role in “Usual Suspects” and numerous other films, joins Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight and actor/producer Nick Loeb in the project. His part as an actor and executive producer of the film was announced Thursday on the film’s website. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and other pro-life leaders also are involved.

The announcement did not indicate what role Baldwin will play. Voight is slated to play a U.S. Supreme Court justice.

Baldwin has been vocal about his conservative beliefs, sometimes causing tension with his equally famous brothers, Alec and Billy Baldwin.

Stephen Baldwin supported President Donald Trump in the election, much to the displeasure of his brother Billy. According to the New York Daily News, the brothers had a spat about it on Twitter in 2016.

If my father were alive today (a veteran) He would be ashamed & disgusted of media biased & manipulation by people like @andersoncooper,” Stephen Baldwin tweeted.

If our father were alive today… he’d smack you in the side of the head for supporting Donald Trump,” Billy Baldwin replied.

Alec Baldwin is known for playing Trump on Saturday Night Live skits.

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It is not clear if Stephen Baldwin has spoken about his personal beliefs on abortion before. However, his role in the film is a strong sign of his support of unborn babies’ right to life The film will follow key advocates in the abortion fight in the 1970s, including former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Betty Friedan on the pro-abortion side and Dr. Mildred Jefferson, the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School, on the pro-life side.

“Bernard and Betty, along with the team at Planned Parenthood, search the country to find a pregnant girl they can use to sue the government for her right to have an abortion,” according to a description on the film website.

They find the “perfect pawn” in Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that allowed abortion on demand in 1973. McCorvey later became pro-life and fought to overturn the infamous ruling that bears her name. She and others attested to her being mistreated and used by abortion activists to achieve their deadly agenda.

The film will examine the lies and manipulative tactics of abortion activists, people like McCorvey and Nathanson who later had a change of heart, and dedicated pro-life advocates like Jefferson who fought valiantly to defend the right to life for babies in the womb.

The film also will address the racism intertwined in the abortion industry through Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and others, and Jefferson’s fight for unborn babies as well as people of color.

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