Single Mom is Glad She Rejected Abortion: “I Wouldn’t Change Anything for the World”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Feb 8, 2023   |   6:45PM   |   Washington, DC

Single mom Whitney McCluskey believes God worked everything together for good for her and her children after she rejected pressure to abort her unborn son.

According to GodTV, McCluskey made an adoption plan for her son Josiah and has no regrets.

“The way God just worked it all out, it was all in His hands. The whole thing was just God,” she said.

Growing up, McCluskey said she made a series of bad decisions, beginning with taking drugs at age 14 when someone offered them to her.

“The older I got, the worse the drug got,” she said. “Towards the end of my addiction was meth and heroin, and I was on the needle.”

She said she filled her life with drugs and men, but eventually realized that they could not fill the void in her life.

“I remember telling God I’m tired of looking left and right. I’m tired of seeking validation from drugs and from men and from everything but You,” she said. “I knew that people could be set free because I’d seen it around me. I knew people could do it but it hadn’t happened for me. And so I was mad. I was angry. Why hadn’t this happened for me?”

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McCluskey told the Baptist Press that God spoke to her in her desperation, reminding her that she was loved.

“He said, ‘Whitney, you are so beautiful, and I have always been in pursuit of your heart,’” she remembered. “And I put my hands over my heart and I felt these vibrations. I said, ‘God, what are you doing?’ And He said, ‘I’m mending your broken heart and I’m making you whole again.’ I just knew that I felt loved.”

From that moment, her life began to change. She received help through a Christian drug rehabilitation center and later achieved her master’s degree in biblical counseling, according to the report. McCluskey dedicated her life to helping other women overcome drug addictions.

Then, she made a mistake.

“One night, out of the blue, I called an ex- and, well, ended up pregnant,” she told Baptist Press. “I was so depressed when I found out, because I felt I had let so many people down. Here I am. I’m sober, sharing my testimony. I’m living for God. And then I make one mistake.”

She continued: “I wouldn’t say it’s a mistake now, because obviously we got Josiah out of it and I wouldn’t change anything for the world. But the way I was thinking in that moment was, ‘I messed up.’”

Already parenting her older son, Ashton, as a single mother, McCluskey said she began to wonder if she would be able to care for a second child. Then, people around her began pressuring her to have an abortion, according to the report.

McCluskey said she refused to consider ending her son’s life, knowing it was wrong and she would regret it forever.

“No matter what decision I made, life was the choice,” she said.

Instead, she found an adoption agency and began making plans for a family to adopt Josiah. Although the decision was difficult, McCluskey said she believes God directed her to the right family for her son.

“It was funny because when I first started looking at Lifeline and looking at families, I saw this one family and I said, ‘If I choose to adopt, this is who I’m going to go with,’” she said. “Nine months later, not knowing they were still going to be available, they were.”