Tennessee Abortion Ban Has Saved the Lives of 20,000 Babies

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jun 24, 2024   |   1:50PM   |   Nashville, Tennessee

Tennessee Right to Life and pro-life Tennesseans continue to celebrate the overturning of Roe v Wade. After two years, Tennessee is leading the nation in protecting the right to Life of unborn children. It is estimated that more than 20,000 women and children have been saved from the horror of abortion in our state since the Human Life Protection Act went into effect in 2022, soon after the Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs decision.

The overturning of Roe allowed Tennesseans to finally protect our most vulnerable citizens in our state laws. There are children alive today because of the Human Life Protection Act.

As Tennessee Right to Life lobbyist, Will Brewer says, “The proof is in the pudding. We are one of two states in the country with a higher birth rate than we had before the Dobbs decision.”

This year’s celebration theme is Love Them Both. Pro-life people of Tennessee take seriously the responsibility of protecting the right to life of unborn children and protecting their mothers from an industry that exploits their fears and profits from the deaths of their children. Loving both mother and child is something that ALL Tennesseans should be able to agree on. Loving and protecting mothers and their babies is not a radical idea.

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During the 2024 session of the General Assembly, pro-life legislators passed overwhelmingly, and Governor Lee signed into law, the Underage Abortion Trafficking Act which makes it a crime for an adult to take an underage girl for an abortion or to obtain abortion chemicals for her without her parents’ consent. This commonsense measure should deter Planned Parenthood and others in the abortion industry that have been coordinating invasive surgeries and dangerous drugs for underage girls all while keeping their parents in the dark.

Furthermore, legislators also passed a bill requiring that any school that teaches the Family Life Curriculum also include a video or ultrasound of the unborn human being before birth. This will help Tennessee students to see the humanity of the unborn child and consider how every human being begins their journey to birth. Pro-abortion lawmakers fiercely opposed this legislation, so we feel certain it will be effective.

While voters and legislators in some other states have turned their backs on the miracle of June 24, 2022, in Tennessee, we continue to praise God for the Dobbs decision. We are grateful and are moving forward building a Culture where the precious gift of life is protected in all its ages, stages and conditions.

As we celebrate 2 years of LIFE in our state, we want to acknowledge and give thanks for the tremendous work of the many Pregnancy Resource Centers and other Life affirming agencies in our state. These organizations are loving them both, day in and day out. They do so much to meet the material and emotional needs of pregnant moms so they can choose life for their babies. We are grateful for their work.

Coming off almost 50 years of the death and destruction of Roe, Tennessee is celebrating LIFE, and we won’t stop.

We still have work to do. The Biden Administration and the abortion industry have waged a full-scale assault on unborn children and states, like Tennessee, that protect them. They want to expand access to abortion chemicals, to turn our emergency rooms into abortion facilities and fund Planned Parenthood with our hard-earned tax dollars.

We cannot let that happen. Life will be front and center in the upcoming federal and state elections. It is imperative that pro-life Tennesseans get out to vote for pro-life candidates. The Tennessee Right to Life Political Action Committee recently released the list of endorsed candidates in the 2024 State elections. You can see the entire list at www.vote4life.org

We are proud to live in a state that values the sanctity of life in all stages and where our elected representatives carry out the will of the people by continuing to uphold and protect the Human Life Protection Act.

As we celebrate this 2-year anniversary of life, let us re-commit ourselves to pray, work and vote to keep the great state of Tennessee a pro-woman, pro-child and pro-life state because, we know the best way to continue saving lives is to LOVE THEM BOTH.