The Obama administration is refusing to looking into a Fort Wayne, Indiana, abortion business that stands accused of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by failing to have a wheelchair ramp and disabled parking spaces for women who need assistance following a surgical abortion.
Cathie Humbarger, executive director of Allen County Right to Life in Fort Wayne, Indiana, filed a personal complaint against the Fort Wayne Women’s Health Organization with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Humbarger alleges the abortion facility is in non-compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The complaint is based on Humbarger witnessing women leaving the Fort Wayne Women’s Health Organization on numerous occasions, in apparent discomfort and unable to walk unassisted after a surgical abortion. Fort Wayne Women’s Health Organization does hundreds of abortions at its location annually and women, after abortion, are required to walk down steps to exit the building when they appear to need wheelchair assistance.
There are also no parking places reserved for the handicapped and she said the lack of wheelchair access is an impediment to any wheelchair bound persons wishing to enter or exit the building.
“When women leave this facility, they oftentimes have their arms over two people as they limp to their car,” Humbarger says.
“It appears to me that their physical condition should really have necessitated being transported in a wheelchair, but that is not available to them since there is no wheelchair ramp at the facility,” she said. “My heart breaks for the women who make the choice to have an abortion. I care about these women and the lack of proper care after their procedure is alarming to me.”
However, Humbarger today said the U.S. Department of Justice has declined to pursue the complaint she filed back in July, calling it a “grievous oversight” on the part of the Obama administration.
She told the local newspaper that she received a letter, dated September 29, that the Justice Department said it would take no action even though “our decision does not indicate whether or not we believe there has been a violation of the ADA . . . the Department is not able to pursue every complaint we receive.”
“All they needed to do was send a letter,” responded Humbarger, who said she may investigate other possible responses. “Even though fewer women in Allen County are getting abortions, they still deserve a facility that meets federal law.”
Humbarger notes “Almost without exception, local buildings – from churches to strip clubs – are required to have wheelchair access. Why should the Fort Wayne Women’s Health Organization – an abortion facility – get a pass?”