Baby Zion, Diagnosed With Trisomy 18, Lived 10 Days But Will be Remembered Forever

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Feb 4, 2014   |   1:40PM   |   Washington, DC

So often when a baby is diagnosed with a condition like Trisomy 18, doctors will encourage parents to consider an abortion. But Robbyn and Josh Blick, when they found out their baby had the condition at 20 weeks, they never gave aborting little Zion Isaiah a second thought.

In an extensive interview with The Blaze they talked about their faith in God and dedication to life:

babyzion“Our choice is always life and giving him a chance,” Robbyn said.

So the Blicks let others know about their little boy and their choice of “having faith and having hope” in the midst of a diagnosis that doctors told them was “not compatible with life.”

And Zion was beating the odds at every step. First doctors said he could very well die during the pregnancy…but he didn’t. Then he might die during labor…but he didn’t.

After he was born, Robbyn was told to prepare for a few minutes with him. But Zion held on and got stronger.

Sadly, despite the fervent prayers of Josh’s congregation where he is a pastor, Zion died 10 days after birth. But the couple has no regrets at giving Zion a chance at life.

The many people helping out the family at home “allowed us to inhale him. I literally didn’t put him down until he was one week old. He was held and loved and cherished for every minute of 10 days,” she said.



In tears, Robbyn and Josh told their sons that Zion was with Jesus now, which is “the best place to be.” The boys got to see Zion and hold him again. Robbyn said she held him for hours.

For all those who met Zion, Robbyn knows “he has changed their lives being little fighter that he is.”