Teenager With Down Syndrome Becomes Internationally Acclaimed Photographer

National   |   Texas Right to Life   |   Oct 21, 2015   |   8:49AM   |   Washington, DC

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and today we are revisiting one of our heroes with Down syndrome, teenage photographer Oliver Hellowell.  Oliver Hellowell is an internationally acclaimed photographer who is only 19 years old.  His Facebook page has garnered tens of thousands of likes – and for good reason: the page features Oliver’s spectacular work capturing wildlife photography on a regular basis.  What makes Oliver’s work even more fascinating is the fact that the teen also has Down syndrome.

Oliver began taking photographs as a boy, and the hobby has become his livelihood.  His work is now exhibited and admired by many, including professional photographers who turn to Oliver for inspiration and insight.  One such photographer recently had the chance to go on a shoot with Oliver.

Last month, Oliver received the National Positive Role Model for Disability Award at the National Diversity Awards, acknowledging his outstanding work ethic and drive.

Oliver received over one thousand nominations for the award.  The National Diversity Awards describes Oliver’s exceptional achievements:

The transition into adulthood can bring many challenges, especially if you have a disability.  Oliver’s outlook on life and his ambition to succeed in his photography business is a joy and an inspiration – Not many young adults at 18 can say they have their own business.  Oliver has embraced his passion and talent for photography, and has had the confidence and drive to create a company which is truly exceptional. 

What are some extraordinary achievements made by people with special needs in your life?  Share with us in the comments below.

LifeNews Note: Reprinted with permission from Texas Right to Life.
