Idaho Governor Signs Groundbreaking Bill to Inform Women How Their Abortions Can be Reversed

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Mar 20, 2018   |   5:53PM   |   Boise, ID

Did you know the abortion pill can be reversed and a baby can be saved from abortion? That has happened hundreds of times — but most women considering abortion have no idea that it is possible to save their unborn child even at the last minute.

But women in the state of Idaho who are contemplating an abortion will now be told that if they take the abortion pill there is still a chance after they take it to save their baby. That knowledge could help change hearts and minds at the 11th hour and could save a baby whose life would otherwise be ended.

Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter quietly signed the proposal into law on Tuesday without comment along with nearly 50 other bills. The law will go into effect July 1 and make Idaho the fourth state to require that women be told that abortion drugs may be reversed and their unborn baby’s life saved.

State Senate Bill 1243 would require that abortionists inform women seeking abortions of the possibility that abortion drugs may be reversed. It also would require them to provide women with information about where they could seek the reversal treatment.

“The objective here is to inform, and that’s what this allows to happen,” said Sen. Marv Hagedorn, R-Meridian. “I see nothing wrong with informing women about the decisions that they need to make.”

Idaho now joins Utah, Arkansas and South Dakota in passing the requirement. Arizona also passed a law in 2015, but Planned Parenthood challenged it in court.

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Abortion activists and their friends at the liberal American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology repeatedly criticized the legislation, saying there is no “medically-accepted evidence” that the reversal works.

However, doctors who developed the reversal say more than 400 unborn babies have been saved from abortion as a result of the treatment. And even prestigious Yale School of Medicine Dr. Harvey Kliman told the New York Times that the treatment “makes biological sense,” and he would recommend it to his own daughter.

As currently administered, a chemical abortion involves taking the drug mifepristone, or RU-486, which makes the uterus inhospitable to new life by blocking the hormone progesterone. One or two days later, a second drug, misoprostol, is taken to induce contractions and expel the unborn child.

The reversal process, which is gaining in usage as it becomes more widely known, can reverse the impact of the first drug by giving women high doses of progesterone.

Dr. Matthew Harrison performed the first-ever reversal in 2007. At a press conference in 2015 sponsored by Priests for Life and the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Harrison said the baby who was saved is now a healthy and happy 8-year-old girl.

In 2015, Harrison and the team of OB-GYNs who are pioneering the technology reported more than 213 babies have been saved.

Anyone who has taken the first abortion pill and wishes to stop the abortion is urged to immediately visit or call the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline at 877-558-0333.