Soros-Funded Activist Who Assaulted Pro-Life Woman Staffer Attacked Other Republicans Previously

National   |   Henry Rodgers   |   Oct 19, 2018   |   9:51AM   |   Washington, DC

The Democratic activist funded by George Soros who was charged with battery against the female campaign manager of pro-life Nevada Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt has a long history of attacking Republicans.

Wilfred Michael Stark, 51, who was employed by American Bridge 21st Century, founded by David Brock, was fired Wednesday night after he allegedly pushed a door open, “trapping” Kristin Davison, Laxalt’s campaign manager, in the doorway, “grabbing her arm, and forcefully twisting it behind her back and squeezing,” Laxalt’s campaign communications director Parker Briden told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“She screamed, ‘You’re hurting me! Stop hurting me!’ but he would not stop and grabbed her arm tighter — creating painful bruises and straining her neck, shoulder, and lower back. The man would not relent and screamed: ‘You can make this stop, Adam.’ Kristin was terrified and begged for him to stop and could not get free until Las Vegas city marshals intervened. They arrested him, and while Kristin’s head, neck, and arm were throbbing with pain, they took him to the Las Vegas city jail,” Briden continued.

However, this was not Stark’s first time being arrested. He was previously arrested for allegedly assaulting the female press secretary for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke in March and was charged with “simple assault” after he reportedly pushed her while trying to question Zinke.

“He is widely known among members and staffers as being a real problem on Capitol Hill — not for asking tough questions, but because he’s so openly hostile and combative,” a GOP aide told Fox News. “It’s become a real security concern.”

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He also was arrested for allegedly tracking Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie, after he refused to move out of the road while screaming at police officers.

California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes has dealt with Stark before, tweeting out a photo of him in June and asking if anyone could identify him, as Stark was supposedly “chasing” him around the Capitol.

Virginia Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock also tweeted out a photo of Stark after hearing the news about Stark’s Wednesday arrest, saying he “harassed” her campaign.

Despite all of these attacks, Stark was not fired until late Wednesday night. Brock, Stark’s boss, has a past of having suspicious employees on staff. In 2013, a staffer at Media Matters for America allegedly committed a number of felonies in the District of Columbia and around the U.S. by carrying a firearm to defend Brock.

“Last night one of our employees was involved in an incident with a member of Adam Laxalt’s campaign in Nevada,” an American Bridge official told CNN. “In response to that incident, we have decided to relieve this employee of his duties with American Bridge effective immediately.”

American Bridge 21st Century would not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation when asked about Stark and his time with the group.

LifeNews Note: Henry Rodgers writes for Daily Caller. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience.