Glenn Beck Destroys the Myth That Pro-Life People are Just Pro-Birth in One Single Tweet

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Nov 19, 2018   |   1:05PM   |   Washington, DC

Conservative media personality Glen Beck dismantled a popular pro-abortion myth in a short, simple tweet over the weekend.

Beck was accused of being “pro-birth” after sharing a article about Hollywood actresses hosting a party to celebrate their abortions. It is a common attack lobbed at pro-life advocates, but it is ridiculously false.

Offering no evidence to support her claim, a Twitter user named Carol Valentine told Beck: “When those who yell about the rights of the unborn child actually step up to care for that child throughout the child’s life, then I will feel that those protesters are actually pro-life. Until then, they are only ‘pro-birth’ and couldn’t care less once the baby is born.”

Beck responded deftly, using a couple different examples to point out the problems with her argument.

Beck is right. Pro-life advocates do a lot to support babies after birth, as well as before. They donate countless hours and money to pregnancy centers and maternity homes, many of which provide resources up through the first two years of the baby’s life. Some open their homes to pregnant and parenting mothers, and many adopt children as babies and through foster care. Student pro-life groups work to provide better accommodations for pregnant and parenting students on their college campuses. Many others befriend and mentor families as they struggle and grow.

Follow on Instagram for pro-life pictures and the latest pro-life news.

There always will be problems in the world, but this sad fact should not keep people from working to end injustices where they can. Babies will be born into an imperfect world, but they still deserve a right to life.

More always needs to be done to protect human rights, but the gaps in these protections never should be used as an excuse for destroying the rights of the most vulnerable human beings in our world today.