Catholic Deacon Claims Jesus Tolerates Abortion Because He “Didn’t Preach Against Abortion”

Opinion   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Nov 21, 2018   |   6:26PM   |   Washington, DC

A Kentucky deacon of the Catholic Church recently told his YouTube viewers that Jesus “didn’t preach against abortion at all,” suggesting the son of God did not care as much about the problem as the modern church.

According to the Church Militant, Deacon Steve Hester implied that Jesus “was either supportive or indifferent to abortion” because he did not speak against it, even though abortions have been a problem throughout history.

Hester, who serves St. Paul Catholic Church in Lexington, Kentucky, posted a YouTube video on Nov. 3 to discuss abortion and other issues.

“Now Jesus didn’t preach against abortion at all,” he told viewers. “Now I don’t know why He didn’t. I don’t believe He thought killing babies was OK.

“And rest assured there was abortion back then. People have been figuring out how to end pregnancy early since they figured out what pregnancy was. So it’s not as if He was unaware. But maybe He didn’t preach against abortion because He knew that safe sex and education rather than legislation are the actual way to reduce abortions,” Hester continued.

“But He also knew that we wouldn’t end up believing in safe sex or education. So, it was a moot point. You’ll have to ask Him when you get there,” he said.

His statements cloud Christian teachings, which clearly condemn the killing of innocent life.

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The Catholic Church teaches that every human life is valuable from conception to natural death, and the Bible recognizes that babies in the womb are valuable. The story of Jesus’ own birth includes references to unborn babies and their value.

Jesus placed great value on children when others in society did not in Matthew 19:14, and Proverbs 6:16-17 states that one of the things God hates most is the shedding of innocent blood. One of the ten commandments forbids murder.

Though the Bible may not mention the word “abortion,” it does condemn what an abortion does – kill an innocent, vulnerable unborn child who is made in the image of God.