Must-Read! The Top 10 Myths About Abortion

Opinion   |   Tony Perkins   |   Jan 8, 2019   |   7:19PM   |   Washington, DC

In the weeks leading up to the March for Life, you’ll probably hear a lot of things about the state of abortion in America — some true, some not so true. Thanks to the liberal media, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about the procedure and its consequences.

Dr. Ingrid Skop, a practicing OB/GYN and board member of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, is trying to help FRC set the record straight. In a brand new publication, “Top 10 Myths about Abortion,” she does her best to separate fact from fiction.

Dr. Skop says her biggest hope is that this paper would “cause those who consider themselves to be ‘pro-choice’ to question some of the assumptions they have made about abortion. Abortion is a difficult topic to talk or even think about. It has invaded deeply into the fiber of our society precisely because most of us do not want to address it until it confronts us directly…” As passionate as she is about the issue, Dr. Skop insists:

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“You don’t have to believe like I do — that abortion is harmful to women, families, and society. But please have the courage to look into it yourself. Follow the leads I have provided in the citations to study this subject more deeply. Begin to have difficult conversations with friends and family so you can help others to really confront this issue too. It is time that our country sees abortion for what it really is — for the sake of women and children yet unborn.”

Along with the series of videos that Dr. Skop is releasing on each myth, make sure to tune in next week to the 14th annual ProLifeCon, FRC’s digital pro-life activist summit. The wired world affects the wide world, and ProLifeCon will show you how you can make a difference for life on the platforms that you use every day. Two of the featured speakers this year are Ryan and Bethany Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, who will help us further in sorting fact from fiction when it comes to abortion. For more information and confirmed speaker listing, follow this link.

LifeNews Note: Tony Perkins is the president of the Family Research Council.