Pro-Abortion Students Throw Pro-Life Display Into River, Protest Pro-Life Speech With Coat Hangers

State   |   Amanda Lord   |   Apr 8, 2019   |   3:09PM   |   Washington, DC

The world’s smartest students used an incredibly primitive response when confronted with views they disagreed with; they tried to drown the information they were seeing. When confronted with pro-life views, pro-abortion students protested Kristan Hawkins’ Lies Feminists Tell speech by holding up wire coat hangers in order to perpetuate the myth that women were dying in large numbers without access to abortion.

On Thursday, April 4th, Kristan visited Cal-Berkeley for the second year in a row to deliver her Lies Feminists Tell talk. About 80 to 90 people turned out for the presentation, and everything went fairly well. Except for those odd students who started protesting her speech by silently standing near her with coat hangers, because, as we all know, showing the world that you have the requisite strength and instruments to hang up a coat, is a great way to change minds. This went on for about 75 minutes, until the Cal-Berkeley Police Department (motto: We show up eventually), stood in between Hawkins and the protesters.

Earlier in the day, while Berkeley Students for Life were tabling on campus with the Planned Parenthood Truth tour, a student STOLE one of the display banners and threw it into a nearby river. Yikes! From coast to coast, attacking banners seems to be the glue that holds together leftist vandals, since at the University of Connecticut, a student also tried tear down one of our banners on campus. The Cal-Berkeley students also kicked and tried to tear down the Cemetery of the Innocents display as well.

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Anna Bakh, California Regional Coordinator for Students for Life noted, “We all know that Cal-Berkeley has a reputation for discouraging pro-life and conservative speech. It is unfortunate at one of the top universities in the world, students cannot drum up a more rational response to seeing pro-life views than to just throw the display in the banner. Of course, typical of leftist thought, when they don’t see a value in something, they just throw it away and pretend it doesn’t exist.”

As reported earlier, one student had threatened to try to shut down Kristan’s speech;  “Shut her down! Shut her down! We will not let you speak!…Just like you nor this lady can’t control what us women should get abortions or not. You do not control our vaginas dude nor this speaker. The same thing that happenned [sic] to milo when he wanted to speak at campus will happen again to this lady here! SHUT HER DOWN!”

Kristan continues her speaking tour on April 25th, at Miami University-Oxford.

LifeNews Note: Amanda Lord is the Digital Media Strategist for Students for Life.