Brian Sims Sends Fundraising Letter for Planned Parenthood, No Apology for Harassing Pro-Life Women

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   May 20, 2019   |   3:36PM   |   Philadelphia, PA

Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims wrote a fundraising letter for Planned Parenthood last week, apologized for making abortion activists look bad when he bullied women and young girls in his district.

But the Democratic politician still has not apologized to the pro-life women and girls he harassed repeatedly in his Philadelphia district. His apologies have been to abortion supporters alone.

Sims’ letter, published by New York Post writer and CNN contributor Salena Zito, urges people to donate to the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. He began by apologizing for his “aggressive” and “inappropriate” behavior and promised “to do better” in the future.

“To the staff, volunteers, and patients of Planned Parenthood, I’m sorry to have created this distraction,” Sims wrote. “I vow to do better. I vow to keep fighting for the same values of progress for all that I’ve always fought for.”

Then, adding insult to injury, Sims doubled down on his attacks of the peaceful pro-life advocates.

“I’m angry that pro-life protesters use white privilege and racism to attack people of color in my district and across the nation, for seeking critical health care,” he wrote.

SIGN THE PETITION: Rep. Brian Sims Should Resign for Harassing Pro-Life Women

Earlier this month, Sims posted a video online of himself berating an older pro-life sidewalk counselor in Philadelphia. A second video that he posted earlier in April showed him offering $100 for the identities of three teenage girls, ages 13 and 15, who were praying peacefully outside the abortion facility with their mother.

Joe Garecht, whose wife and daughters were targeted by Sims in the second video, said the letter was completely unacceptable.

“Instead of apologizing to my daughters and promising never to try to dox another teenager again, Sims sent out this fundraising letter apologizing to Planned Parenthood for the second time, but has never apologized to my daughters, my wife, or the other woman he attempted to intimidate out of her constitutionally protected rights,” Garecht told LifeNews.

He urged state leaders to take action against Sims for his “egregious actions.” His family also recently notified the local police department about Sims’ behavior.

“It is clear now that Brian Sims has no remorse,” Garecht said. “It is clear that he doesn’t think his actions were wrong. It is clear that it is time for the Pennsylvania General Assembly to act.”

Last week, state Democratic leaders indicated that they will not take any action to condemn Sims’ behavior. Bill Patton, a spokesman for Pennsylvania House Democrats, told the Philadelphia Inquirer that they are “satisfied” with Sims’ promise that he will not behave that way again.

“Democratic leaders addressed the matter with Sims privately and are satisfied it will not be repeated,” Patton said in a statement. “Republican leaders are aware of this.”

Republican leaders are not satisfied.

“Rep. Brian Sims’ actions reflect the worst in how people should behave and treat one another in a civil society,” they said in a statement last week. “We expect him to accept full responsibility for his egregious and unacceptable behavior and to pledge that he will meet the high standards that the people of Pennsylvania have for their elected officials.” began a petition calling for Sims’ resignation; it has more than 34,000 signatures. Additionally, about 1,000 pro-lifers held a peaceful rally in Philadelphia, calling for the state lawmaker to apologize and resign.

The Garecht family also raised more than $100,000 in an online fundraiser to support mothers and children in Philadelphia in response to Sims’ actions.

One of the videos that Sims posted online showed part of his interaction with Garecht’s wife and daughters, who were praying outside a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood on the Thursday before Easter. In the video, Sims offered viewers $100 to identify the teenage girls.

“What we’ve got here is a bunch of … pseudo Christian protesters who’ve been out here shaming young girls for being here. So, here’s the deal, I’ve got $100 to anybody who will identify these three, and I will donate to Planned Parenthood,” Sims said in the video.

His requests suggest that the state representative may have been trying to intimidate the 13- and 15-year-old girls through doxing, a practice where a person’s name and contact information are posted publicly online usually to encourage harassment.

Sims’ actions may have violated consent and cyberbullying laws. The Philadelphia police and district attorney’s office said they are looking into the incident.

In another video, Sims also appeared to be attempting to dox another pro-life woman – he called her an “old white lady” – by asking his viewers for her name and address.

In the wake of national publicity, Sims released a statement where he did not apologize for his behavior. Instead, he chose to attack pro-life advocates even more by claiming they “slur” and “attack” Planned Parenthood patients – without providing any evidence to support his claims.