Rachel Maddow Calls Protecting Babies From Abortion “Horror Movie Distressing”

National   |   Aiden Jackson   |   Jun 12, 2019   |   1:38PM   |   Washington, DC

When one can characterize the protective “heartbeat” laws being passed to reinstate the sanctity of life throughout the country as “restrictive” and “terrifying,” it is clear society has a grave morality issue. The widespread panic among liberals and their talking heads in the media over the movement to validate the rights of unborn children in the womb is palpable. Rachel Maddow and host Seth Meyers proved Tuesday night on The Late Show to be participants in the hysteria.

Meyers opened the topic of conversation with the audacity of describing “restrictive abortion laws” as a “scary” situation: “Because you’ve done a really good job of covering a very scary situation right now with all the abortion laws that are being passed at the state level.”

Maddow then began her predictable rant: “And it’s just — I think it’s upsetting, I think, to a lot of people, both the state of abortion rights around the country and what’s going on in Missouri, but the fact that they’re doing that to these women on order of that state government is just sort of horror-movie disturbing.”

Maddow seems to possess no empathy for the babies enduring the actual abortion procedure which is in fact “horror-movie disturbing.”

Abortion was not the only talking point of the night as Maddow and Meyers also took time to bash President Trump’s recent Europe trip. She then moaned:

When you described him as like every American tourist thing that anybody has ever done wrong anywhere in the world, he’s doing them all at once. Like that’s exactly what he was. When you described him that way, I was like, that’s what he’s doing. He’s embodying all of the worst stereotypes that everybody in the world has about dumb Americans.

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Maddow and Meyers have no sense of irony that people who want to legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, then complain of “scary restrictions” on murder, may be the real “dumb Americans.”

NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers
1:06 a.m. Eastern

SETH MEYERS: We both talked about Trump’s adventures in Europe, and that was just — in general, I just found a peace with him being there just because it shifted by five hours when things could happen. You know, at like 9:00, if I was at dinner, I had a thought of, like, if I haven’t heard anything now, he’s probably asleep, you know. But you —

RACHEL MADDOW: You were so good, though. When you described him as like every American tourist thing that anybody has ever done wrong anywhere in the world, he’s doing them all at once. Like that’s exactly what he was. When you described him that way, I was like, that’s what he’s doing. He’s embodying all of the worst stereotypes that everybody in the world has about dumb Americans. And he’s living them large, like with their leaders, it was just —

MEYERS: Yeah, well you can tell they look at him and they’re not saying, “Uh, I’ve met a guy like this before”. They’re like, I’ve met a guy like this before, but it was 100 different guys.


MEYERS: He’s like a voltron of all of it.


1:08 a.m. Eastern

MEYERS: You — I want to be serious here for a second


MEYERS: Because you’ve done a really good job of covering a very scary situation right now with all the abortion laws that are being passed at the state level. And obviously, there was a lot of talk about what Alabama did, but there’s also a lot happening in Missouri right now where there are basically efforts being made to close the last abortion provider in the state. Can you talk a little bit about, like, what actually is happening there and how punitive it is, these laws that they’re talking about?

MADDOW: The thing that’s different about what’s happening in Missouri right now is that they are the closest any state has ever been to completely ending legal abortion access in the entire state. No state has been able to do that since Roe versus Wade was passed by the Supreme Court in 1973. But for the first time, Missouri’s state government, the Republican-controlled state government, is trying to shut down the last abortion provider in the state. So they’re trying to take the last clinic’s license away and as they are doing that, the state government has come in, and they have told the doctors at that clinic that while they’re still open and while women are still able to get abortions there, the doctors at that clinic must now start giving medically unnecessary pelvic examinations, like vaginal examinations, to women specifically — basically as the cost of them asking for an abortion so, it’s medically unnecessary the doctors don’t want to do it. There’s no reason to do it the women who are getting abortions do not want this done, and the state government has come in and mandated that they get this extra internal exam while they’re trying to shut down that last clinic. And so, we’ve been reporting on that for the past week or so the state government in Missouri got very mad at us about reporting on it, but it’s freaking true. And we went to the clinic and talked to the staff there about how they are being forced to do this to their patients now on orders of the state. And it’s just — I think it’s upsetting, I think, to a lot of people, both the state of abortion rights around the country and what’s going on in Missouri, but the fact that they’re doing that to these women on order of that state government is just sort of horror movie disturbing.

LifeNews Note: Aiden Jackson writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.