President Trump Wins Iowa Caucus, 97% of Republicans Support His Re-Election

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Feb 4, 2020   |   3:46PM   |   Washington, DC

With Iowa Democrats totally unable to count their own votes, President Donald trump easily cruised to victory over two opponents – capturing 97% of of the vote of Iowa Republicans who attended caucus night with little reason to leave their homes in the cold weather. Still, Trump broke all-time records for incumbent turnout.

Without a hitch, Iowa Republicans counted the votes and President Trump won 97 percent, former Governor William Weld got 1.3 percent, and Congressman Joe Walsh got 1.1 percent.

The President cheerfully tweeted about the results today.

The Iowa Democrat Party hopes to have some of the results available later this afternoon but that didn’t stop Pete Buttigieg from declaring victory last night without any results at all. But Bernie Sanders disputed Buttigieg’s claim to victory, and issued internal numbers suggesting he was having a good night. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign refuted that as well, saying it was too close to call between the three of them.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden responded to the chaos with a scathing statement saying he may reject and contest the final results — which may say as much about his own freefall in the polls than it does the uncertainty in the Hawkeye state.

The Republican president faces a crowded Democratic field of candidates who have pledged to support abortion on demand and to force taxpayers to pay for them. Many of the leading contenders also voted against a bill to protect newborns from infanticide.

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President Trump will deliver the annual State of the Union address tonight and likely look forward and will command the cameras as he lays out his agenda for the year ahead.  When it comes to pro-life issues, look for more of the same.

Pro-life leaders have praised the Trump administration repeatedly for working to protect unborn babies from abortion.

“President Trump has gone further to serve unborn children and their mothers than any president before him. His bold leadership has truly saved countless lives,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, who served as chair of President Trump’s Pro-life Coalition after securing four pro-life commitments from the nominee during the 2016 campaign. “From stopping taxpayer funding of abortion and of experimentation involving aborted baby body parts, to protecting conscience rights, to calling out extremist Democrats who support abortion on demand through birth and even infanticide, to his two outstanding Supreme Court justices and transformation of the federal courts, President Trump has beyond delivered on his promises to the pro-life voters who propelled him to victory in 2016.”

She told LifeNews: “The stakes of this election could not be higher as Democratic contenders line up to pander to the radical abortion lobby and declare war on even the most popular, modest pro-life policies, like the Hyde Amendment. This cycle SBA List will spend $41 million expanding to priority states, working closely with local allies on the most ambitious pro-life legislative agenda yet to aggressively challenge, erode, and finally, overturn Roe v. Wade. Our team will be working hard through Election Day to educate millions of voters, expose the extremism of Trump’s opponents, elect pro-life leaders to Congress and in the states, and win a second term for the most pro-life president in history.”

In one of his first acts as president, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits taxpayer funding to groups that promote or provide abortions overseas. The change defunded Planned Parenthood’s international arm of about $100 million in U.S. tax dollars.

Trump has repeatedly called out the Democratic Party’s extreme position on abortion. During his state of the union address this year, Trump slammed the governors of New York and Virginia for promoting abortion up to birth and infanticide. He also called for Congress to pass a ban on late-term abortions on babies who are capable of feeling pain.

Trump and his administration have made a number of changes to protect those who morally object to abortions, expanding conscience protections for medical workers who believe it is wrong to kill an unborn baby and increasing religious exemptions for Obamacare.

His administration also intervened to stop the United Nations from supporting abortion in a resolution about sexual violence. In 2018, under his leadership, the State Department removed references to the so-called “right” to abort an unborn baby from a global human rights report as well.

This spring, the administration also finalized a new Title X rule that requires health care entities to completely separate abortion from their taxpayer-funded services. Planned Parenthood, which already has said it will not comply, could lose about $60 million annually through the policy change. However, the abortion group is suing to block the cuts.

Trump has appointed dozens of conservative judges to federal courts as well, including two to the U.S. Supreme Court.