Mask Supplier Refuses to Fill Abortion Clinic’s Order Because Masks are for “Health Professionals”

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Apr 7, 2020   |   9:46AM   |   Sydney, Australia

Some Australian health care providers have their priorities straight.

As Buzzfeed News reports, hospitals and doctors offices on the continent are being given higher priority than abortion clinics for essential medical supplies, including masks, hand sanitizer and other personal protective equipment (PPE).

It may seem an obvious move during a global health crisis, but the abortion industry is complaining.

Marie Stopes International, the largest abortion chain in Australia, griped this week that it is running short on supplies because companies and government health leaders are canceling or refusing to fill their orders, according to the report.

“Many PPE suppliers do not consider abortion to be healthcare,” Marie Stopes Australia managing director Jamal Hakim told the news outlet. He said they have about a two-weeks supply left.

One company, Clifford Hallam Healthcare, canceled the abortion chain’s order Tuesday, explaining that it is following national health guidelines for distribution of masks and other medical supplies, the report continues.

“We have been requested to reserve our supplies for health professionals as they are the first priority,” the company wrote in an email. “We have had no option other to [sic] cancel your back orders for all masks.”

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Here’s more from the report:

The Australian government has also refused to supply [the abortion chain] with PPE and instead suggested the organisation go to Chemist Warehouse to try and source masks. …

The health department’s National Medical Stockpile, a reserve of medical equipment held in secret locations across the country, told MSA on Friday the supplies were being prioritised for public hospitals, GP practices and community pharmacies.

Instead, the department suggested, MSA could go to pharmacy chain Chemist Warehouse, Baxter Healthcare or Aspen Medical.

And that is how it should be. Hospitals and doctors are working hard to save lives all across the world from COVID-19. In contrast, Marie Stopes makes money destroying unborn babies’ lives in elective abortions.

All over the world, cancer treatments, stents to prevent clogged arteries, dental work and joint replacements are being postponed because of the health crisis, the AP reports. These are important health care procedures; they save lives, heal and relieve pain, but they are being delayed so that hospitals have more beds, equipment and staff to treat people suffering from the virus.

But the abortion industry thinks it is special. It wants its work killing unborn babies elevated above real health care.

Recently, medical groups representing more than 30,000 doctors in America emphasized that abortions are not “essential” or “urgent,” and abortion facilities that continue to operate during the pandemic are being “medically irresponsible.” Common abortion complications include infections, blood clots, hemorrhaging and an incomplete abortion. Abortion risks include future preterm births, breast cancer, suicide, anxiety/depression, and death. And it is not true that abortions are safer than childbirth.

Health leaders and companies who supply medical equipment should be praised, not censured, for prioritizing life-saving medical care over non-essential and life-destroying procedures, especially during a crisis.

ACTION ALERT: Thank Clifford Hallam Healthcare for reserving masks and medical supplies for legitimate medical providers.