Diane Feinstein: Not Hypocritical to Save People From Coronavirus and Kill Babies in Abortions

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Apr 15, 2020   |   9:11AM   |   Washington, DC

Irony is almost always lost on abortion activists, especially when they are talking about how important it is to protect people’s lives. They never see that it’s intellectually inconsistent to talk about how much they want to save people’s lives after birth when they are perfectly fine with taking people’s lives before.

That’s exactly the issue with comments from Diane Feinstein yesterday. She condemned states that have issued orders stopping abortions, along with other medically unnecessary procedures in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. In so doing, she said it’s perfectly fine to save peoples lives from COVID-19 but also perfectly fine with killing people before birth.

That illogical statement can only make sense if you think killing unborn children is health care, and Feinstein wraps up her comments about abortion in the vague nomenclature of women’s health care.

 “It’s unconscionable that eight states are using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to block women from exercising their reproductive rights, including abortion,” Feinstein said. “Using a public health crisis as an excuse to attack a woman’s right to health care is unacceptable and must stop. It’s a false choice to say we can either protect a woman’s constitutional right to make her own health care decisions or effectively respond to the coronavirus pandemic. We can do both.”

Feinstein of course never mentions the legitimate women’s health care that women can’t get today because of the coronavirus: routine mammograms, pap smears, hip or knee replacements, cataract surgery, physicals — the list goes on and on. She doesn’t really care about women’s health care, she’s only concerned with making sure people can kill their babies.

But doctors don’t think abortion is health care or medically essential.

Dr. Christina Francis, who practices in Indiana and chairs the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, said doctors all across the country are postponing medical procedures to conserve resources and protect patients from the coronavirus.

“We are setting aside all kinds of what would otherwise be considered essential healthcare – I would say more essential healthcare than abortion, certainly – cancer screenings,” Francis told NPR.

It’s true. According to the AP, cancer treatments, stents to prevent clogged arteries, dental work, infertility treatments, joint replacements and more are being postponed because of the pandemic. These are important health care procedures; they save lives and relieve pain, but they are being delayed so that hospitals have more beds, equipment and staff to treat people suffering from the virus.

But Francis said abortions, which are a “social solution,” not a medical one, are continuing as usual.

“Abortion is not essential healthcare; it doesn’t treat a disease process,” she said. “There are other solutions that we can provide to women who find themselves in very scary and uncertain circumstances right now.”

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Abortions kill unborn babies and often harm mothers. Recently, medical groups representing more than 30,000 doctors in America, including Francis’s organization, emphasized that abortions are not “essential” or “urgent,” and abortion facilities that continue to operate during the pandemic are being “medically irresponsible.”

Common abortion complications include infections, blood clots, hemorrhaging and an incomplete abortion. Abortion risks include future preterm births, breast cancer, suicide, anxiety/depression, and death. And it is not true that abortions are safer than childbirth.

The pro-life medical organizations noted that, by continuing elective abortions, the abortion industry also is generating more patients for already overburdened emergency rooms across the country.

According to the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, most abortion facilities tell women to go to the emergency room if they experience complications, and approximately 5% of women who have drug-induced abortions will need to be seen in the emergency room, usually due to hemorrhage.

Abortion facilities are using scarce medical supplies to abort unborn babies in elective abortions, too. Some Planned Parenthoods even are asking people to donate personal protective equipment and other medical supplies – supplies that hospitals critically need for coronavirus patients.

The pro-life medical groups pointed to the Hippocratic Oath, which doctors swear to uphold. It says that doctors will do no harm to patients. But abortions are the exact antithesis of the oath. Their very purpose is to kill an unborn baby.

Further, if abortion were essential health care, one would assume that most OB-GYNs would provide them, but most do not. The medical groups pointed to statistics indicating that approximately 85% of practicing obstetricians and gynecologists do not do elective abortions.

“Currently, across the United States, services that do constitute essential health care for women, including routine Pap smears, mammograms, and pelvic exams, are being postponed in order to reduce everyone’s risk of exposure to COVID-19, and to conserve scarce medical resources,” the group of pro-life physicians said.

Abortions kill unique, living human beings. They are not essential. They do not heal or relieve pain. Society should be focused on saving lives, not killing them.