At-Home Abortions Double During Coronavirus: “It Was So Comforting” to Kill My Baby at Home

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Apr 29, 2020   |   11:46AM   |   Washington, DC

More women are turning to an experimental at-home abortion program to abort their unborn babies during the coronavirus crisis.

The TelAbortion experiment, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), mails abortion drugs to women in 13 states. In some cases, the women may never see a doctor in person before aborting their unborn babies.

As states restrict travel, health care, business and other things deemed “non-essential” due to the coronavirus, more women are contacting the experimental program. New York Daily News reports TelAbortion saw a 30% uptick in “virtual visits” between February and March.

The pro-abortion has group mailed 841 packages of abortion drugs to women since April 22, according to the Daily Mail. Of those, TelAbortion confirmed 611 completed abortions so far.

One anonymous mother told the New York Times that the abortion group provided “just everything you could need. It was so comforting” to be able to abort her unborn baby at home.

But abortion drugs are dangerous and can be deadly to the mother as well as her unborn baby. The abortion drug mifepristone has been linked to at least 24 women’s deaths and 4,000 serious complications. Risks of mifepristone and misoprostol, the most common abortion drugs taken together to abort and then expel an unborn baby from the womb, include excessive bleeding, severe abdominal pain, infection and hemorrhage.

A 2009 study “Immediate Complications After Medical Compared With Surgical Termination of Pregnancy,” in Obstetrics and Gynecology found a complication rate of approximately 20% for the abortion drugs compared to 5.6% for surgical abortions. Hemorrhages and incomplete abortions were among the most common complications.

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The drugs are used up to 10 weeks of pregnancy, and the FDA recommends that they be provided in-person by a licensed medical professional. In-person exams are important for dating the pregnancy; the abortion drugs do not work well later in pregnancy and potentially could lead to more complications. Exams also can detect ectopic pregnancies, which can be deadly on their own but especially so if the woman takes the abortion drugs.

But TelAbortion told the New York Times that it sometimes waives the ultrasound requirement if women have trouble getting to a doctor.

Despite the risks, program leaders hope to expand their life-destroying experiment beyond the current 13 states. Erica Chong, a director at Gynuity Health Projects, which is overseeing the experiment, said at-home abortions are “particularly well suited to a lot of these stay-at-home orders.”

Dr. Elizabeth Raymond, senior medical associate at Gynuity, said they are “working to expand to new states as fast as possible.”

According to the Daily News:

The process involves a video consult, and then the pills are mailed, along with instructions. Also in the package, besides the pills, are tea bags, peppermints, maxipads, prescription ibuprofen and nausea medication – items that address the ancillary needs of someone obtaining an abortion, by way of acknowledging how difficult a decision it is.

The program charges between $200 and $375 for the abortion drugs and consultations, but women are responsible for paying for their own ultrasound and lab tests, the report states.

For decades, abortion activists have claimed an abortion should be a decision between a woman and her doctor. But now they are trying to take doctors out of the equation – and putting more lives at risk. The abortion chain Planned Parenthood also announced plans this month to expand its telemed services, including abortions, to all 50 states by the end of April.

Pro-life leaders have expressed myriad concerns about the increasing push for at-home abortions.

Randall O’Bannon, Ph.D., director of education and research for the National Right to Life Committee, recently explained: “It would … mean a woman undergoing a painful, bloody, potentially dangerous abortion by herself at a time when emergency medical help is stretched thin and perhaps unavailable. Women undergoing chemical abortions have bled to death or died from infections. Others have died when undetected ectopic pregnancies ruptured.”

Additionally, the online sales of abortion drugs have been linked to forced abortions. A New York City woman is facing charges after she allegedly sold abortion drugs to a man accused of trying to force his girlfriend to take them.

Women do not need to abort their unborn babies to be healthy. The only thing “essential” about an abortion is the guarantee of a dead baby. Recently, medical groups representing more than 30,000 doctors in America emphasized that abortions are not “essential” or “urgent,” and abortion facilities that continue to operate during the pandemic are being “medically irresponsible.”