Doctors Said Daisy Would be in a Vegetative State and Never Walk, Now She Walks Every Day

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   May 2, 2020   |   10:38AM   |   London, England

A British toddler is inspiring the world with her “rainbow walk” to raise money for health care workers who are fighting the coronavirus.

The Christian Institute reports 3-year-old Daisy from Sutton, England was never expected to walk.

Before she was born, she was diagnosed with spina bifida, hydrocephalus and club foot. Doctors told her parents that she would “likely be in a vegetative state” and walking would be almost “impossible,” according to the report.

But now she is walking every day with the assistance of a walker, and her parents hope someday she will be able to walk without any assistance.

“We were told she would likely be in a vegetative state once born and her chances of walking were near impossible,” her mother, Rea Briggs, told Your Local Guardian. “She had her first operation at 17 hours old at St Georges Hospital.”

Briggs said her daughter fought through a bout of meningitis and multiple surgeries before she was even a year old.

“Daisy has had two further brain surgeries and three other surgeries but remains the happiest little girl in the world,” she said. “She has worked so hard to get to where she is now and we are so proud of her.”

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Daisy’s family recently decided to find a way to show their gratitude to the medical professionals who helped save her life.

They began a “rainbow walk” fundraiser to support the NHS as it treats patients with the coronavirus and other problems, according to the report. The effort involves Daisy walking every day, each day wearing a different color of the rainbow.

“Daisy loves bright colors so she will love this challenge,” her mother said. “She loves being outdoors, so since the lockdown began, her favorite time of day has become our daily walk. We would love to help them in any way we can as a thank you for everything they have done for our family and the entire nation.”