WATCH: Abortion Activists Caught Destroying Pro-Life Display That Says “Unborn Lives Matter”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Oct 2, 2020   |   11:46AM   |   Washington, DC

Pro-life students at the University of North Texas were the targets of vandalism, threats and vile comments this week when they set up a flag display to remember the babies who have been killed in abortions.

The Daily Wire reports students with the campus Young Conservatives of Texas club said more than 350 of their 1,000 flags were stolen from the display Wednesday. They said they watched several students removing the flags and captured some of their actions on video.

Kelly Neidert, president of the pro-life club, said they received permission from the university to place 1,000 small pink flags on campus in memory of the 62 million unborn babies who have been killed in abortions in the U.S.

She told The Spectator that they also set up signs that read “Unborn lives matter, “Abortion is murder” and “Overturn Roe v. Wade.”

“I was shocked to see my peers so openly desecrating our abortion memorial,” Neidert said. “The memorial was intended to give a visual representation of lives lost from abortion in a meaningful way. The students had planned this beforehand and had ‘capture the flag’ teams ready to take the flags down. We called campus police but by the time they showed up, everything had been taken or damaged.”

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According to The Spectator, leftist students bragged on social media about plans to steal the display and play “capture the flag” with it, including a leader of the College Democrats club.

One commenter even urged Neidler to commit suicide.

Here’s more from the report:

Unsatisfied with destroying the display, various students also harassed Neidert on social media, calling her and her group ‘racist, homophobic f—-’, ‘trash humans’, ‘pathetic and appalling’, and ‘disgusting’. One individual earlier in the week suggested that witches should place a ‘hex’ on the group, while another told Neidler to ‘kill urself’.

Pro-lifers, especially young adults, frequently are targets of vandalism, harassment and violence. Earlier this week, Students for Life said one of its young leaders was hit in the face outside the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.

Earlier this year, pro-lifers with Students for Life’s Watcom College chapter also said they were assaulted during a peaceful protest outside a Planned Parenthood in Bellingham, Washington. One student was punched in the face by a woman, according to witnesses with the pro-life organization. A day earlier, they said other students had eggs thrown at them and another was kicked.

Violence by pro-abortion activists has become increasingly common. recorded more than 100 reports of assault, vandalism, harassment and other incidents in 2019. Our news outlet began tracking these reports after pro-life organizations expressed alarm about an uptick in violence in recent years.

Reports this year include:

Canada – Pro-Life Sign Splattered with Paint, Vandalized Twice in British Columbia (Vernon Morning Star)

New York – Church Memorial for Aborted Babies Knocked Over (Catholic News Agency)

Colorado – Pro-Life Billboard Vandalized Twice in One Week (Golden Transcript/Colorado Community Media)

California – Leftist Protester Arrested and Charged With Firebombing Republican Women’s Group Office

Oregon – Antifa Activists Assault Pro-Lifer Who Painted “Baby Lives Matter” in Front of Abortion Clinic

Tennessee – BLM Activists Vandalize Church’s Sign Saying “Unborn Lives Matter”

New York – Andrew Cuomo Threatens President Trump With Harm if He Visits New York: “He’ll Need Bodyguards”

Washington, D.C. – Pro-life Leader, Senator Harassed by Mob after Leaving White House (videos by Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, and U.S. Sen. Rand Paul)

Delaware – Delaware Man Charged with Pulling Gun on Pro-Lifers Outside Planned Parenthood (Associated Press)

England – Pro-life MP Receives Death Threat after Voting against Pro-Abortion Bill (The Christian Institute)

South Carolina – Media Ignores Death Threats and Racial Slurs Sent to Black Pro-Life Senator Tim Scott

Ohio – Pro-Life Billboard Showing Hands Holding Baby Vandalized (Journal-News)

Mexico – Catholic Church Vandalized with Pro-Abortion Graffiti as State Debates Legalizing Abortion (Crux)

Illinois – Abortion Activists Pelt Pro-Lifers with Eggs Outside Planned Parenthood

United States – Abortion Activists Hack Pro-Life Student Event, ‘Bomb’ It With Gay Porn and Nazi Imagery

California – Pro-Life Billboard Vandalized in San Francisco (Prolife Across America)

Austria – Catholic Mission Vandalized with Pro-Abortion Graffiti, Windows Smashed in Salzburg (Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, Kathnet)

Illinois – Video: Abortion Activist Vandalizes Pro-Life Sign near Chicago (Students for Life)

Canada – Pro-Life Billboard Smeared with Paint by Vandals near Kelowna (CastaNet)

Germany – Pregnancy Center Vandalized, Windows Smashed (Pregnancy Help News)

Oregon – Vandals Destroy “Pro-Trump. Pro-Life” Campaign Sign in Man’s Yard (Washington Times)

Texas – Pro-life Christian Threatened with Gun outside Fort Worth Abortion Facility (Fort Worth Star Telegram)

Texas – Abortion Worker Gives Pro-Lifer Bag of Vomit from Sick Woman During Coronavirus Outbreak (Operation Rescue)

Washington state – Abortion Activists Punch Pro-Life Student in the Face, Egg Others Praying Outside Planned Parenthood

Washington state – Abortion Activists Masturbate, Throw Glass and Yell “Hail Satan” at Students Praying Outside Abortion Clinic

Mexico – Pro-Abortion Feminists Smash Windows, Try To Break into Church Where Children Are Worshiping

Washington, D.C. – Video: Abortion Activist Threatens to Pepperspray Pro-Life Advocates at Georgetown (TFP Student Action)

Mexico – Radical Feminists Smash Car Windows, Set Buildings on Fire, Injure 65 People During Pro-Abortion Protest

Washington, D.C. – Chuck Schumer Threatens Gorsuch and Kavanaugh if They Uphold Pro-Life Law: “You Will Pay the Price”

Washington state – Video: Students Vandalize Pro-Life Chalk Display at Western Washington University (Students for Life)

California – Hundreds of Pro-Life Fliers Stolen at Cal-Poly ahead of Pro-Life Speaker’s Talk (Students for Life)

Ohio – Video: Mom Threatens to Shoot Pro-Life Advocate on Sidewalk (Created Equal)

New Hampshire – Man Arrested after Allegedly Assaulting 15-Year-Old Trump Supporter (Townhall)

California – Bernie Sanders Supporter Allegedly Vandalizes, Tries to Set Fire to GOP Office (KRCR News)

Florida – Man Arrested After Driving Van Into Table Full of Trump Supporters

Germany – Radical Pro-Abortion Feminists Vandalize Churches, Set Fire to Vehicle

Florida – Abortion Advocates Destroy Display of 1,000 Flags to Mourn Babies Killed in Abortions

Indiana – Pro-Life Ads Vandalized in South Bend, Second Time in 3 Months (Pregnancy Help News)

Washington, D.C. – Video: Student Swipes Pro-Life Sign from Daily Caller Reporter’s Hands

Washington, D.C. – Abortion Activist Threatens to Slit Pro-Life Student’s Throat at March for Life (Students for Life)

Guam – ‘Protect Unborn Babies’ Display Vandalized at Catholic Church (KUAM News)

Mississippi – Cross Display Vandalized, Crosses for Unborn Smashed into Pieces

Germany – Radical Feminists Set Pro-Life Columnist’s Vehicle on Fire