MSNBC Guest Matthew Dowd: Cancel All Conservatives From TV Because They’re “Insane”

National   |   Brad Wilmouth   |   Apr 30, 2021   |   10:53AM   |   Washington, DC

Appearing as a guest on Wednesday’s Deadline: White House, former ABC News political analyst (and lately frequent MSNBC guest) Matthew Dowd urged the media to have a blatant liberal bias by not even allowing Republicans as guests, deriding prominent Republicans as “insane” and “irresponsible.”

He particularly singled out Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as an example of “sane” and “responsible” Democrats while House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Texas Senator Ted Cruz were among the “crazy people” who should not be interviewed.

Dowd began his analysis by alluding to The Game of Thrones and lamenting that, even though the “mad king,” Donald Trump, is out of office, there is still “underlying corruption and awfulness.” He then lauded President Joe Biden and recommended that he complain about Fox News and other right-wingers as being part of a broken system:

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And I think Joe Biden — who’s been very good about this — he’s been trying to tell the truth to the American public — I think has to say that, as of today — as of right now — our democracy is broken. And he should point — he should point out like the fact that we have an unbelievable crazy platform in Fox News.

He then recommended excluding conservatives from public conversation:

And part of the problem — and I’m going to speak some truth not to you, Nicolle, but maybe other people on other networks or other platforms — we have to stop treating this like this is some game where the opposition on each side is the same — that there’s some equal value on each side — that we’re going to listen to Kevin McCarthy and we’ll listen to Nancy Pelosi, and therefore we did our job. We’ll interview Ted Cruz and we’ll interview a sane United States Senator, and we’ve done our jobs.

Garnering agreement from MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, Dowd continued:

There is no thing today where you can say in any media platform that you interview an insane, irresponsible person, and interview a sane, responsible person, and equate the two at all. And so I think obviously — as voters and people — we have to go out there and be active and all the things we can do. And I think we should congratulate Joe Biden on his first 100 days and what he’s done — but also us in the media have to stop presenting this as if there are two equal partners in politics that we have to talk to. We don’t! You don’t talk to crazy people. You don’t talk to crazy people, and we have to stop getting into a place where we equal the sides and discuss it as if it’s some fun game that where both players are equally responsible.

This liberal echo chamber was sponsored in part by Kraft. Their contact information is linked. Note: Brad Wilmouth is a news analyst for the Media Research Center and a graduate of the University of Virginia. This column originally appeared on the NewsBusters web site and is reprinted with permission.