Louisiana Senate Passes Five Pro-Life Bills to Save Babies From Abortions

State   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jun 9, 2021   |   11:14AM   |   Baton Rouge, Louisiana

The Louisiana Senate passed five pro-life bills this week to protect unborn babies and mothers from abortion, including one informing mothers of the life-saving abortion pill reversal protocol.

The Abortion Pill Reversal Disclosure Act (House Bill 578), sponsored by state Rep. Beryl Amedee, R-Houma, received overwhelming support in a 31-7 vote in the Senate, the Louisiana Illuminator reports. The state House previously passed the bill in a 71-27 vote.

The bill adds information about the abortion pill reversal protocol to state informed consent requirements. It requires abortion facilities to inform women that the first abortion drug in medication abortions may be reversed and their unborn baby’s life may be saved.

“I led the Abortion Pill Reversal Disclosure Act on the Senate floor because I want women who regret their abortion to check with their doctor to see if they can save their baby,” said state Sen. Beth Mizell after the bill passed. “Every life is precious, and I want to help every woman get the life-saving information they need.”

The bill would require abortion facilities to tell women the following: “Research has indicated that the first pill provided, identified as mifepristone, is not always effective in ending a pregnancy. If after taking the first pill you regret your decision, please consult a physician or health care provider immediately to determine if there are options available to assist you in continuing your pregnancy.”

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The abortion pill reversal protocol has been credited with saving more than 2,000 babies’ lives, and research indicates that it is safe and effective. Indiana passed a similar law in April.

Louisiana pro-life leaders celebrated lawmakers’ actions and encouraged Gov. John Bel Edwards, a pro-life Democrat, to sign the legislation.

“I applaud the Louisiana Senate for its strong pro-life stand today, especially for voting for the Abortion Pill Reversal Disclosure Act,” said Louisiana Right to Life executive director Benjamin Clapper. “Senator Beth Mizell was a true pro-life champion as she led the bill on the Senate floor. We now encourage Gov. John Bel Edwards to sign HB 578 into law and give women who regret their abortion a glimmer of hope to save their baby.”

Clapper said Louisiana Right to Life also supports the four other pro-life bills that passed the legislature this month.

These include state House Bill 218, which allows safe haven baby boxes to be installed in hospitals to protect newborns from infanticide. The state safe haven law allows mothers to surrender their newborn babies up to 60 days old to authorities without repercussions if they cannot care for their child.

“While the traditional person-to-person Safe Haven relinquishment is preferred, the Baby Box provides women a discreet option instead of abandoning her baby in a manner dangerous for the child,” Louisiana Right to Life explained. “Once the child has been placed in the box, medical care is immediately provided to the child before the baby is placed for adoption …”

State Senators also passed state House Bill 423 to require hospitals to provide data to the state about abortion complications that they treat. According to Louisiana Right to Life, “Since most complications that arise after an abortion are treated by a local hospital instead of an outpatient abortion facility, this legislation is critical to ensure that the state has better data on the rate of complications from abortion.”

Another bill, state House Bill 7, exempts the purchase of diapers and feminine products from state sales tax, thus relieving some of the financial burden on mothers and babies.

Lawmakers also passed state House Bill 357 to strengthen the parental consent requirements for minors seeking abortions. The legislation limits the jurisdiction of a judicial bypass to a judge in the minor’s local area. A judicial bypass allows an underage girl to request permission from a judge rather than her parents. The bill also requires data to be reported to the state about minors seeking abortions through judicial bypass.

Louisiana is a strong pro-life state. Last fall, 65 percent of its voters approved the Love Life Amendment, which amends the state constitution to declare that there is no constitutional right to abortion or taxpayer funding of abortion.