Abortion Activists Target Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Her Children With Potential Violence

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jun 10, 2022   |   11:10AM   |   Washington, DC

The young children of two conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices now are being targeted in online posts by a radical pro-abortion group – adding to growing fears about violence from radical abortion activists.

The pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us mentioned the children of Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett in posts on Twitter after being linked to an assassination attempt on Kavanaugh’s life earlier this weekTownhall reports.

In May, Ruth Sent Us, named after the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, posted the home addresses of the conservative justices online publicly after news broke about a leaked draft ruling showing the high court overturning Roe v. Wade this summer.

Though the pro-abortion group denounced violence this week, it also posted several mocking and ominous messages on Twitter.

Ruth Sent Us mentioned Barrett’s children in a call to protest outside her home and a local elementary school. Barrett has seven children, and the youngest is 10.

“If you’re in the DC metro area, join us. Our protests at Barrett’s home moved the needle to this coverage,” the pro-abortion group wrote. “Falls Church is a People of Praise stronghold. She sends her seven kids to a People of Praise school that she sat on the Board of Directors for. She attends church DAILY.”

The group also mentioned the name of a local elementary school as a starting point for its protest.

The radical pro-abortion group sent another one indicating abortion activists know where Kavanaugh and his wife, Ashley, send their two daughters to school.

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“A special message for Ashley Kavanaugh and your daughters — this billboard was on your school grounds. We feel for you,” the group wrote, including a photo of the billboard. “@LeaderMcConnell and the GOP aren’t worried for your safety. They worry only for the expensive Supreme Court they rigged, and their own power.”

Protests outside judges’ homes are illegal, but the Biden administration has encouraged them anyway. And these protests have continued even after police arrested an armed man near Kavanaugh’s home early Wednesday morning for allegedly threatening to kill the justice, according to Townhall. Authorities said the man found the justice’s address online, and he was angry that the court may overturn Roe soon.

The Federalist editor Mollie Hemingway expressed outrage at federal authorities’ inaction.

“After failed assassin uses Kavanaugh home address Democrat activists posted online, pro-abortion group RuthSentUs escalates against children and fellow parishioners of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Nobody is doing anything to stop any of this,” she wrote on Twitter.

She slammed the group for its “horrific” intimidation attempts not only against the justices but also their young children.

“Pro-abortion group that posts directions to Kavanaugh’s home — man arrested today said he used online map to find it — also targeting his young daughters’ school,” Hemingway wrote. “This escalation and threat against the children must be stopped. Horrific.”

In May, Justice Samuel Alito, the author of the draft ruling, and his family also were moved from their home to a secure location due to violent threats.

Meanwhile, other pro-abortion groups also are hinting at violence against the court, pro-life advocates and churches in the days to come. Jane’s Revenge, a group linked to several acts of arson and vandalism in recent weeks, warned of more “military” actions this weekend and a “Night of Rage” once the Supreme Court releases its abortion ruling, according to Secular Pro-Life.

The U.S. Marshals and Department of Justice have increased security for the justices, their staff and families. In mid-May, the U.S. Senate also unanimously passed a bill to increase security measures for the high court, but the U.S. House, which is controlled by pro-abortion Democrats, blocked the bill.

According to Axios, a recent report from the Department of Homeland Security warned that radical abortion activists may burn down or storm the Supreme Court building and murder justices and their law clerks if the court overturns Roe. The report indicates these pro-abortion extremists also plan to target churches and other places of worship with violence and vandalism.

LifeNews also reported last week about the leftist pro-abortion group Shut Down D.C., which plans to blockade the streets around the Supreme Court building June 13 in an attempt to shut it down.

At least three pro-life organizations have been the victims of arson in recent weeks, and there have been dozens of acts of vandalism, assaults and threats against pro-lifers and churches.

Some pro-abortion groups have been calling for churches, especially Catholic Churches, to be the target of abortion activists’ outrage.

“The leaked draft memo that states the Supreme Court has struck down #RoeVWade is an ATROCITY but It is not yet law & doesn’t have to be, but what they plan to do & will do if WE don’t stop them. Rise up! & RAISE HELL!” the group Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights wrote on Twitter.

Even prominent pro-abortion groups are using words that hint at possible insurrection and violence. On Twitter, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, executive director of Women’s March, said abortion activists will be “ungovernable” until the government legalizes abortion on demand.

The Supreme Court is expected to release its final ruling on the Mississippi abortion case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health this summer, potentially later this month.

Since Roe in 1973, more than 63 million unborn babies and hundreds of mothers have died in supposedly “safe, legal” abortions.