United Church of Christ Pastor Takes Women Out of State to Kill Their Babies in Abortions

State   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jun 30, 2022   |   2:59PM   |   Columbus, Ohio

A United Church of Christ pastor from Ohio boasted about driving women across state lines to abort their unborn babies last week after the state heartbeat law went into effect.

The pastor claimed to be helping women, but mothers and their babies deserve better. Abortions do not heal or save; they harm and kill.

Ohio began enforcing its pro-life law, which protects unborn babies by banning abortions once their heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy, after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday.

As a result, abortion facilities had to cancel numerous abortion appointments – an estimated 90 percent in Northeast Ohio alone, the Akron Beacon Journal reports.

Now, babies’ lives are being spared from abortion all across Ohio, but some abortion activists, including supposedly Christian pastors, are trying to thwart the state’s life-saving efforts.

Last week, the Rev. Terry Williams, a UCC pastor in Chillicothe, said a group of pastors organized a carpool to take women to Pennsylvania, for abortions after Ohio abortion facilities were forced to stop.

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“The clinics had to call people on Friday and say, ‘You can’t come in tomorrow. You can’t come in tonight,” Williams told the newspaper. “When that happened, there were multiple carpools of individuals from Akron, Canton and over into Youngstown that drove people to Pittsburgh or up to Erie to be able to get abortion care.”

Williams is part of the pro-abortion group Ohio Clergy for Choice, pastors who support the killing of unborn babies in abortions, as well as Faith Choice Ohio, which promotes abortion as a moral, religious good.

Through the two organizations, Williams and other pastors organize self-managed abortion training events and run a religious charity that provides money for mothers to abort their unborn babies, according to the report.

Notably absent from these “pro-choice” religious advocates is support and encouragement for mothers who choose life for their unborn babies. Many women who abort their unborn babies feel desperate, unsupported and alone. When offered support, however, many reject abortion and choose life for their unborn babies.

True support for pregnant mothers in need comes from the pro-life movement through thousands of pregnancy resource centers and other charities, many of them faith-based. These organizations provide free counseling, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, baby supplies, financial aid and more to encourage and support families in need and save babies’ lives.

An abortion kills a unique, living human being who, Christianity teaches, is a valuable person created in the image of God. The Bible condemns murder, the harming of children and the shedding of innocent blood, and it recognizes unborn babies as valuable human beings.

True Christianity raises up the most vulnerable, defends the defenseless and offers compassion to the suffering. This is what pro-life advocates, secular and religious, do every day for mothers and babies across the world.

Yet, in the name of religion, some Christian leaders are perverting the truth and leading people astray. In doing so, they are jeopardizing the futures of countless children in society.