Gavin Newsom Forces Californians to Spend $20 Million on Abortion Travel Killing Babies

State   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Aug 29, 2022   |   12:48PM   |   Sacramento, California

California Gov. Gavin Newsom just expanded a new $20 million abortion fund to include money for pregnant women in pro-life states to travel to California to abort their unborn babies.

On Friday, the Democrat governor responded to pressure from pro-abortion lobbying groups and amended the funding program to allow tax dollars to be used to bring women from other states to California for abortions, CBS News reports.

State lawmakers also must approve the amendment, and a vote is scheduled for this week; but it likely will pass.

Newsom and state lawmakers created the Abortion Practical Support Fund earlier this year in response to the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. They allocated $20 million tax dollars for the program and initially approved using the money to help California women with travel expenses, lodging and other costs associated with getting an abortion.

The new amendment expands the funding to women in other states as well as California.

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Townhall reports Newsom spokesperson Alex Stack said money will come from taxpayers as well as private donors.

“As the governor has stated, California is doing its part, but we cannot do it all — private donations and philanthropy will be critical to these efforts,” Stack said. “We all need to step up to support women who are being denied reproductive freedoms by their state governments and are forced to come to California for abortion care.”

But Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, said funding the killing of unborn babies is a “travesty.”

“The idea that the most pressing use of state funds would be to pay for people from red states to fly here to have abortions on the California taxpayer dime is really just a travesty,” Keller told the AP.

Newsom has been working directly with abortion businesses and pro-abortion groups for months to expand the killing of unborn babies in abortions. In May, he said abortion is one of California’s “values,” and he will “fight like hell” to “protect it.”

His proposed state budget includes $40 million to pay to abort unborn babies whose mothers do not already qualify for a Medicaid-funded abortion or have insurance coverage for the elective, life-destroying procedure.

Additionally, Newsom wants $15 million to help pro-abortion groups advertise and promote abortions, $1 million to develop a public website with “accurate and updated information” about abortion laws, abortion facilities and taxpayer-funded abortions, and another $1 million for research on “the unmet needs for access to reproductive health care services.”

The governor also wants to create monetary incentives to encourage more medical students to become abortionists.

California has very few limits on abortion, and it forces taxpayers to pay for them. A new law slated to go into effect next year will force all public colleges and universities to provide abortions on campus. It has the highest number of abortion facilities in the country at 168, and more than 100,000 unborn babies are aborted there every year, according to a new ANSIRH study and the Guttmacher Institute.

Since the Supreme Court ruling in June, 15 states have enacted laws to protect unborn babies by banning abortions, and eight more are fighting legal battles with pro-abortion groups to enforce their pro-life laws.