Democrats Have Spent Over $124 Million on Election Ads Promoting Abortion

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Sep 20, 2022   |   3:12PM   |   Washington, DC

Democrat groups already have spent an “unprecedented” $124 million on pro-abortion election advertising this year, according to a new Associated Press report.

And that total is expected to grow even higher leading up to the November election, as pro-abortion groups continue to trash pro-life candidates for supporting unborn babies’ right to life.

To put the spending in context, the AP reports the $124 million for pro-abortion ads is “larger than the Republican Party’s combined national investment in ads relating to the economy, crime and immigration” this summer and 20 times more than Democrat groups spent on abortion ads for the 2018 midterms.

Republican groups have spent millions on abortion ads this year, too, but not nearly as much as Democrats have, according to the report.

Democrat-backers hope the abortion issue will be a “powerful motivator” for voters this fall, Jessica Floyd, president of pro-abortion Democrat PAC American Bridge, told the AP. Her group is running pro-abortion ads in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

Floyd said Republicans’ efforts to ban abortion are “an actual rolling back of rights, which is unprecedented. It flies in the face of everything we know voters care about — especially the voters who will decide this election.”

Most of the ads target voters in key swing states, including closely-watched U.S. Senate races in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania and a number of governors’ offices.

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Here’s more from the report:

Since the high court’s decision in June to eliminate the constitutional right to abortion, roughly 1 in 3 television advertising dollars spent by Democrats and their allies have focused on abortion. Much of the spending is designed to attack Republicans on the ballot this fall …

The estimated spending figures, based on an Associated Press analysis of data provided by the nonpartisan research firm AdImpact, reveal the extent to which Democrats are betting their majorities in Congress and key governorships on one issue. That’s even as large majorities of Americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction and the economy is in poor condition.

Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel said Democrats are focusing on abortion so heavily because they cannot brag about their actions on the economy, crime and education, the report continues.

“It’s very clear that that’s the only thing that Democrats have to run on, right? They don’t run on a good economy. They can’t run on community being safer. They can’t run on education,” McDaniel said. “So what are they going to do? They’re going to make everything about abortion, which means we’re going to have to talk about it as Republicans do.”

Many of the ads portray pro-life Republican candidates as “dangerous” and “too extreme” on abortion – even though polls consistently show that the Democrat Party’s position supporting late-term and taxpayer-funded abortions is actually the extreme one.

Some ads even lie about pro-life candidates. One from Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams attacked pro-life Republican Gov. Brian Kemp by claiming he wants to “punish women for miscarriages,” but PolitiFact labeled the ad “false” in a new fact check.

Polls consistently show Americans support legal protections for unborn babies, especially after the first trimester or once their heartbeat is detectable. LifeNews recently highlighted 14 recent polls here.

This week, a new national poll from the Trafalgar Group found stronger public support for Republican-led pro-life legislation to ban abortions after 15 weeks than for a Democrat-backed bill that would allow abortions “at any time during pregnancy.”

According to the poll, 59 percent of voters support a federal law to ban abortions after 15 weeks with exceptions for rape, incest and risks to the mother’s health. In contrast, 40 percent said they support legislation to create a federal “right to abortion at any time during pregnancy” and ban states from enacting pro-life laws.

Currently, pro-abortion Democrats control the U.S. House and, more narrowly, the U.S. Senate. Election experts predict Republicans will win back the House in November, but Democrats will maintain control of the Senate.

Whoever wins the majority will determine the types of abortion legislation that Congress may pass in the near future, such as a national ban on abortions after 15 weeks on the Republican side or taxpayer-funded abortions through all nine months of pregnancy on the Democrat side.