Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Dobbs Puts “Women’s Lives are at Risk,” But No Women Have Died

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Oct 4, 2022   |   4:18PM   |   Washington, DC

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed Tuesday that women’s lives are at risk because states are allowed to protect unborn babies from abortions again.

Speaking during a White House press conference, Jean-Pierre criticized the U.S. Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade exactly 100 days ago in June. Since the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health ruling, 15 states have banned abortions and eight more are fighting in court to do so.

She said expanding abortion is a “priority” for the Biden administration, and the president is urging Congress to “codify Roe.”

“We are making sure that we do not forget the women whose lives are now at risk because of the Dobbs decision,” Jean-Pierre said in a video that Greg Price of XStrategies shared on Twitter.

Later, she claimed Roe “protected women for almost 50 years,” adding, “The president and vice president are doing everything in their power to protect women seeking abortion.”

But no women have died as a result of Dobbs in the past 100 days or the Texas heartbeat law, which went into effect more than a year ago. And doctors across the country confirm that these new pro-life laws are saving lives.

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Last week during a U.S. House hearing, a prominent OB-GYN, Dr. Monique Chireau Wubbenhorst, pushed back against Democrats’ claims that abortion is health care, saying the overturning of Roe will save women’s and children’s lives.

“Abortion not only poses risk to the mother. It is always lethal to an unborn child. It is my opinion that abortion is not health care,” Wubbenhorst told lawmakers, adding, “The goal of any abortion is … to kill the embryo or fetus, which is a human being.”

Pregnancy always involves caring for two patients: the mother and her unborn child “because the fetus is indeed a patient,” Wubbenhorst continued. She mentioned fetal surgeries as one example, noting how physicians have performed surgeries on babies in the womb as early as 15 weeks gestation.

Abortions are not health care, and very few doctors perform them. What’s more, pro-life laws always allow exceptions in the very rare cases when a pregnant woman’s life is at risk. And contrary to abortion activists’ claims, abortion bans also allow life-saving treatments for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies – something even a Planned Parenthood abortionist confirmed last week.

Other medical experts have been refuting claims that abortions are safer than childbirth. In a column at The Federalist this week, Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, a radiology specialist in Florida, pointed to studies that found abortions are more dangerous than childbirth for mothers as well as their unborn babies.

She wrote:

A Finnish study, for example, found that women are four times more likely to die in the year following abortion than women who give birth. In fact, women who had given birth had a lower death rate than women who had not been pregnant at all. Closer to home, a study using a complete data set recovered from California state insurance records showed twice as many women died in the two years after an abortion than after a birth (see table 1 of page 2). Causes of death in these post-abortive women included complications from the procedure — sepsis and hemorrhage, for example — though the most common causes were “indirect”: suicide, homicide, overdose, and other risk-taking behaviors.

So, when pro-abortion activists say, “childbirth is vastly more dangerous than abortion,” they don’t have the data to support it.

Wubbenhorst, a former U.S. Agency for International Development official and professor at Duke University School of Medicine, also told lawmakers last week that legalizing abortion does not reduce maternal mortality.

“… until recently in countries where abortion was criminalized and prohibited, I’m thinking particularly of Chile, Ireland and, I think, Cyprus had the lowest rates of maternal mortality in the world. For several years consecutively, Ireland had zero maternal mortality at a time when abortion was completely illegal,” Wubbenhorst said.

Pro-life laws save mothers’ and babies’ lives. SBA Pro-Life America estimates approximately 200,000 unborn babies will be saved from abortions every year as a result of the pro-life laws that are in effect or soon may be in effect, pending legal challenges.

“While two dozen states are poised to protect the unborn and their mothers, saving as many as 200,000 lives a year thanks to the historic Dobbs victory, radical Democrats led by the Biden-Harris administration are determined to use the full weight of the federal government to impose abortion on demand until birth with no limits, paid for by taxpayers, nationwide. Their agenda is wildly out of step with America,” said SBA Pro-Life America president Marjorie Dannenfelser.