Guam Legislature Passes Bill Banning Abortions When Unborn Baby’s Heart Begins Beating

State   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Dec 20, 2022   |   11:01AM   |   Hagåtña, Guam

The Guam Legislature approved a pro-life bill Friday to protect unborn babies by banning abortions once their heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy.

Lawmakers voted 8-7 to pass the Guam Heartbeat Act (Bill 291), sponsored by Sen. Telena Cruz Nelson. However, the Washington Post reports a bill needs at least 10 votes to override the governor’s veto, and Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero is pro-abortion. Guam has a unicameral legislature with 15 senators.

Like American states, U.S. territories also were affected by Roe v. Wade. Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the abortion ruling, territories may pass laws to protect unborn babies’ lives.

Ahead of the vote, Nelson said the right to life should not be compromised, according to Kuam News.

“To me when it comes to life, there is no gray area, there is no black and white,” she said. “And when we teach these things to youth about life, about the right to choice, this ideology is a huge challenge, because essentially what we are teaching them that in uncertain circumstances, in a crisis, that there’s another option and that option is death.”

Afterward, the Catholic Archdiocese of Agana thanked Nelson and the other lawmakers who took action to protect unborn babies in Guam, according to the report.

ACTION ALERT: Contact Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero and urge her to sign the measure.

“We extend heartfelt gratitude to the courageous senators who voted for its passage,” the diocese said. “We thank all lawmakers who actively engaged in dialogue with the community, listened and then acted on this issue.”

Nelson’s bill would prohibit abortions once the unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy. Exceptions would be allowed if the mother’s life is at risk. The legislation includes a private enforcement mechanism similar to the Texas Heartbeat Act that allows private individuals to sue abortionists who violate the ban. Mothers could not be sued or punished.

When Nelson introduced the bill in the spring, she pushed back against criticism that it would hurt her political future.

“I was repeatedly told that this isn’t the right time and this [bill] is political suicide. Well, I realized it will never be the ‘right’ time and I never ran for Senator to serve myself,” Nelson said at a press conference in April. “It reminds us of the sanctity and the sacredness of life. And I believe that we need to be reminded of it.”

Guam does not have any abortion facilities. However, last year, the ACLU filed a lawsuit that could bring abortions back to the island. The Guardian reports the lawsuit challenges two Guam abortion regulations that require abortions to be done in a medical facility or hospital and a doctor to meet with the patient in person for an informed consent consultation at least 24 hours before the abortion.

Recent polls show public support for greater legal protections for unborn babies, such as heartbeat laws and bans on abortion after the first trimester.

ACTION ALERT: Contact Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero and urge her to sign the measure.