Feminists May Sell Dangerous Drug That Can Kill Women Just to Make Money From Abortions

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Feb 10, 2023   |   1:13PM   |   Washington, DC

Supposed “women’s health” advocates are preparing to offer a dangerous, unapproved abortion method that would put women’s and unborn babies’ lives at risk if a federal judge bans the abortion drug mifepristone this winter.

Right now, pro-abortion activists are panicking about a federal court case that challenges the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion drug mifepristone. The pro-life legal group Alliance Defending Freedom filed the lawsuit on behalf of four medical organizations, and a Texas judge appointed by President Donald Trump is considering its request for an injunction to block the life-ending drug nationwide.

Anticipating a ruling in pro-life advocates’ favor, many abortion businesses are preparing to sell another drug off-label to continue aborting unborn babies, according to the pro-abortion blog Jezebel.

Eight abortion groups — including the largest abortion chain in America, Planned Parenthood – told Jezebel that they will sell the drug misoprostol alone if the judge blocks mifepristone as an abortion drug.

First approved under the Clinton administration, mifepristone is used to abort unborn babies up to about 10 weeks of pregnancy – although some abortionists use it later. It works by blocking the hormone progesterone and basically starving the unborn baby to death. Typically, abortion groups also prescribe a second drug, misoprostol, to induce labor and expel the baby’s body.

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Speaking with Jezebel, abortion groups claimed misoprostol, an FDA-approved ulcer drug, is “safe and effective” to use off-label to abort unborn babies. But the facts that they do not currently prescribe the drug on its own and that the FDA does not approve it as an abortion drug indicate otherwise.

Christie Pitney, a nurse midwife and co-founder of the Abortion Freedom Fund, basically admitted as much, saying “it can be a bit more of a painful process” and the risks of diarrhea, nausea and fever are higher. Leah Coplon with Abortion on Demand, a website that sells abortion drugs, also admitted misoprostol is not as effective.

Despite the risks, Planned Parenthood, Abortion on Demand, Aid Access, Carafem, Choix, Forward Midwifery, Hey Jane and Just the Pill confirmed that they will begin selling misoprostol-only abortions if the judge blocks mifepristone, according to the blog. The potential ruling would not affect surgical abortions in states where aborting unborn babies is legal.

Other abortion activists suggest women could order mifepristone online from other countries – something the FDA warns is dangerous and recommends against doing.

Here’s more from Bloomberg News:

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists “is preparing clinical information updates for our members in the event that mifepristone becomes unavailable that lays out dwindling options that remain to obtain essential reproductive healthcare,” said Molly Meegan, the group’s chief legal officer and general counsel.

Jessica Nouhavandi, co-founder and president of California-based mail-order pharmacy Honeybee Health, said her company is “fully stocked up and ready to go” if providers switch to a misoprostol-only regimen. Honeybee last month officially became the first pharmacy certified to dispense mifepristone under the FDA’s updated safety program for the drug.

Alliance Defending Freedom lawyer Julie Marie Blake told Bloomberg Law that they just want the FDA to do the right thing and “protect women and girls.”

Its lawsuit on behalf of four medical organizations accuses the federal agency of approving the abortion drugs in 2000 without studying their safety under the labeled conditions of use. ADF says the FDA ignored evidence that the drugs cause more complications than surgical abortions and ignored their potential physical impacts on adolescent girls.

The federal judge is expected to rule on the case within the next few weeks.

Along with millions of unborn babies’ deaths, the FDA has linked mifepristone to at least 28 women’s deaths and 4,000 serious complications. However, under President Barack Obama, the FDA stopped requiring that non-fatal complications from mifepristone be reported. So the numbers almost certainly are much higher.

Despite the physical risks and the increased likelihood of coercion and abuse, the Biden administration recently began allowing abortion drugs to be sold through the mail without a check-up or in-person contact with the pregnant mother.

In England, which began allowing mail-order abortion drugs around the same time, new investigations show a huge increase in ambulance calls and reports of coercion and abuse. There also have been reports of late-term babies being born alive at home as a result of mail-order abortion drugs because their mothers did not realize how far along they were.

Studies indicate the risks of the abortion drug are more common than what abortion activists often claim, with as many as one in 17 women requiring hospital treatment. A recent study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that the rate of abortion-related emergency room visits by women taking the abortion drug increased more than 500 percent between 2002 and 2015.

Another new study from the University of Toronto, “Short-Term Adverse Outcomes After Mifepristone–Misoprostol Versus Procedural Induced Abortion,” published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that one in ten women who took the abortion pill had to go to the emergency room, according to Pregnancy Help News.