Abortion Pills are Hurting Women, Moms Regret Taking Them and Fight to Save Their Baby

National   |   Christa Brown   |   Mar 31, 2023   |   6:42PM   |   Washington, DC

Could the decision of a Texas judge be more impactful on the abortion industry than the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization last summer?

“Safe, legal and rare,” the catchy phrase coined by Bill Clinton to frame abortion, was an attempt to unite abortion support in America. Adamant and unashamed, the Clinton administration wasted no time to attempt a fast-track approval of mifepristone abortion, along with expanded political and financial protection of the abortion industry.

The approval of mifepristone by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in one fell swoop, forever changed the landscape of abortion in America. Since that day, the use of this drug has grown by leaps and bounds as have the number of injuries to women and the tragic loss of millions of American children.

But was the approval granted with full certainty for public safety?

Shockingly, the approval of mifepristone came under the Accelerated Approval Program known as Subpart H, which permits speed to market of drugs that treat serious conditions, and fill an unmet medical need.

A so-called need for abortion was put in the same category typically reserved for infectious disease like HIV/AIDS, rare cancers, non-malignant hematological or neurological disorders. Some claim these types of loopholes have moved the FDA away from regulating and protecting public safety and toward partnering relationships instead.

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The FDA openly admits that accelerated approval has greater uncertainty – which should concern every American consumer trusting the FDA.

Because pregnancy is not a disease, an infection, or a disorder, this lawsuit argues that mifepristone should not have been a candidate for this program.

This Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM) v. FDA case also implies accelerated approval allowed the Clinton administration to make mifepristone available just before the 2000 election, a convenient political tactic. Big Abortion has long touted the abortion pill as a type of healthcare, the availability of which is an essential service for all women.

Politics mixed with a little bit of science – a lot could go wrong with that plan – and has.

After nearly a quarter century of the rise of chemical abortion, “safe, legal and rare” is now being purged from the Big Abortion narrative. The abortion industry, with the support of politically motivated healthcare organizations, has moved the U.S. to a place of abortion at any cost, in any place, despite any legal restrictions.

Is chemical abortion safe?

Mifepristone safety is a major point of contention in this case and there is much conflict about which studies are valid. With advertising by the abortion industry focused on “safer than Tylenol” and “just a pill” along with the unraveling of the FDA’s safeguards, one might think chemical abortion is a safer alternative for women than a surgical procedure.

However, in the first six years following approval, the FDA reported six deaths following intake of mifepristone as well as “nine life-threatening incidents, 232 hospitalizations, 116 blood transfusions, and 88 cases of infection.”

Just twelve years later in 2018, the FDA reported 24 deaths and 4,000 adverse events. Since that time, more have died, chemical abortion has been shown to have four times the risk of surgical abortion ever did, and one in five women requires emergency care after the abortion pill.

As women continue to flood our emergency departments throughout the country, presenting with hemorrhage and infections, our healthcare system continues to turn a blind eye.

Inexplicitly, the FDA has stopped collecting any data regarding these adverse events, unless they are fatal, for the last seven years. To this day, there have been no randomized trials to study the mid- to longer-term complications with mifepristone.

There is no longer the in-person requirement for dispensing mifepristone, eliminating the majority of the safeguards for women, including confirmation of intrauterine pregnancy and gestational age. A woman’s risk of dying from an abortion increases by 38% for every week beyond 8 weeks gestation.

Is it rare?

In 2020 chemical abortion took the lead for the method of choice in the U.S. for ending a pregnancy. Just three years later, it has grown to be 65-80% of all abortions.

Providers offering abortion pills rather than surgical abortion have less overhead, fewer staff requirements, no surgical suites to maintain, no equipment to sanitize.

The advertising for this type of abortion has been effective as they promise women “no needle,” “touchless,” “private,” and “early pregnancy execution.” Some websites and social media pages share pictures of aborted children in an effort to prove their drug’s efficacy.

The FDA estimates mifepristone has been legally prescribed more than five million times since its approval. Because abortion reporting is inconsistent and highly inaccurate, and because of the “Pill by Mail” market, it is impossible to really know the true numbers.

Abortion is now available at any time, any place to anyone with a means to pay for it. This includes those who would pimp or traffic women and those who might resell the medications or pass it on to friends.

Will it remain legal?

Or we should ask the greater question – will it remain available?

The very process of “do it yourself, home abortion” gives way to lack of regulation. Since the Dobbs decision, women have continued to access these drugs, prescribed through telemedicine across state lines and through pharmacy and abortion websites, no matter if they reside in a red state or a blue one.

As brick-and-mortar abortion facilities become a thing of the past, the profits and harm of chemical abortion are soaring.

Aid Access continues to defy the FDA and local laws by supplying abortion wherever they deem are underserved areas. Websites sell the drugs with discounts for those who would purchase in bulk. “Pill by Mail” allows anyone, anywhere immediate access to these drugs no matter what the current local laws are.

Do women have regret after taking the abortion pill?

The pain of a mother losing a child is a powerful motivator to seek help.

At the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, we receive regret-full calls every day from women around the world.

The regret is often immediate with 75% of these calls come in within 24 hours of taking the first call. The fear and anxiety in their voices is always heavy. Imagine your child in imminent danger and wanting to do something – anything- to save them.

Being able to share the hope of the abortion pill reversal protocol is such a gift for the APRN team – one endorsed by more than 1300 providers, clinics, and hospitals throughout the world.

There is firm understanding that APR, which is just bio-identical progesterone, is safe for moms and safe for babies and a reasonable medical answer to their request to continue their pregnancies.

When a woman is having regret, this antidote to this deadly drug is 68% effective in saving the life of her child. Statistics show that more than 4,000 lives (and counting) have been saved through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.

What do women say about abortion pill reversal?

Here are some of the many examples of what we hear every day at the Abortion Pill Rescue Network:

~ I wondered if it was too late…They were wonderful to me. I’m so grateful for everyone taking time out of their day to be by my side. My baby has a strong heartbeat of 168. My next ultrasound is this Wednesday. Putting some strong prayers over my baby and taking it easy.

~ I can gladly say she was always wanted. Even when I had my doubts, I always wanted my sweet baby girl. I hope that we can find courage and ways to help support more women in these situations. I believe everyone should be educated on the reversal process because it truly is an amazing thing. So many babies have been saved by this process and by saving babies you could also be saving a mom.

~ Yes – success. There is a heartbeat. We are praying. Thank YOU so much for your help and taking the call. I’m happy to hear I have options.

~ I am doing well. Had an ultrasound last week and was told it’s a baby girl. They said everything looks great and she is very active. I appreciate your help and am so grateful I was able to find your information!!

~ Checkup today at 10w3d and we couldn’t believe how much progress we’ve made over the last month. I can’t believe how lucky and blessed I am and every time I look at my baby, I can’t believe there was a time I was unsure. When I heard the heartbeat and saw them moving around in there and how much they’ve grown I was literally brought to tears.

No matter how the district court in Texas rules in the AHM case, the parties will likely appeal to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and then to the Supreme Court.

Since the FDA failed to warn or protect the American public from these dangerous drugs, we are long overdue to remove these abortion drugs from our healthcare system and markets.

LifeNews Note: Christa Brown BSN, RN, LAS is Senior Director of Medical Impact for Heartbeat International. This column originally appeared at Pregnancy Help News.