Mike Pence Challenges Republican Presidential Candidates to Protect Babies From Abortion

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jun 23, 2023   |   3:15PM   |   Washington, DC

Republican presidential hopeful Mike Pence is challenging his fellow candidates to step up and do more to protect babies from abortions. Specifically, he wants them to committee to supporting a national law to protect babies from late-term abortions in states that allow abortion on demand.

Pence said at Friday’s Faith and Freedom Conference that “every GOP candidate for president should support a ban on abortion before 15 weeks as a minimum nationwide standard.”

For Pence, a 15-week limit is “a good starting point” Republicans can agree on that polls show Americans support.

“Right now, our law at the national level is essentially equivalent to China and Iran and North Korea,” Pence complained.

He wants to distinguish himself from leading candidate Donald Trump, who has not committed to supporting a federal pro-life law.

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“I would expect that pro-life voters around the country would…be looking for men and women willing to stand unambiguously for advancing the cause of the right to life at every level — at the state and federal level,” Pence told Politico.

Pence said the pro-life issue can be a winning one for candidates if they support reasonable pro-life laws and expose Democrats for their abortions up to birth policies.

Pence said “the conservative principles that have won not only the White House, but won majorities over the last 50 years again and again.”

“I knew that the cause of life would have to be my cause…and we’ve never wavered,” explained Pence. “I believe it’s the calling of our times.”