They Said Overturning Roe Would Kill Women. One Year After Dobbs, No Women Died as a Result

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jun 23, 2023   |   3:49PM   |   Washington, DC

Pro-life laws save lives, but a lot of people don’t believe it.

Abortion activists lie and traditional media outlets often parrot their claims without question. They equate abortions with miscarriages. They claim pro-life laws ban ectopic pregnancy care. And they claim pro-lifers don’t care if women die.

But a simple review of the situation in America since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson last June easily disproves the lies. There has not been a single reported woman’s death due to state pro-life laws – even though more than a dozen have been in effect for about a year, some longer. And the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of women in those states who suffered miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies continued to receive the same medical care that women always have from doctors and nurses.

Meanwhile, new research suggests as many as 25,000 unborn babies have been saved.

And yet the lies persist.

On Tuesday, First Lady Jill Biden met with abortion activists at the White House who claimed their states’ abortion bans put their lives at risk. Biden expressed sympathy for the women, saying, “I know that it isn’t easy to relive what you’ve already gone through, but stories like yours are how we shed light on the cruel and devastating consequences of those bans.”

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Vice President Kamala Harris made a similar claim in an interview Tuesday with MSNBC host Joy Reid, falsely asserting that pro-life laws ban medical care for women suffering miscarriages and other complications during pregnancy. Interestingly, a pro-abortion doctor admitted in the very same interview that pro-life laws do give doctors the authority to “make that decision if it’s a life-threatening situation.”

Many other celebrities and doctors, politicians and media outlets also have promoted false claims about pro-life laws. But the evidence is clear that pro-life laws protect both mothers’ and unborn babies’ lives.

Last year, Dr. Ingrid Skop and Mary E. Harned, J.D. of the Charlotte Lozier Institute conducted extensive research into the matter, including analyses of state pro-life laws, abortion, and miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy care. They found that all state pro-life laws permit “abortion in those rare and heartbreaking circumstances when it is necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman,” including for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies.

“A plain reading of any of these statutes easily refutes the false and dangerous misinformation being spread by pro-abortion activists,” they wrote.

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wademany doctors have confirmed that women do not need to fear because pro-life laws protect their lives, too.

In September, Dr. Monique Chireau Wubbenhorst, a prominent OB-GYN, told Congress: “Abortion neither prevents, treats, or palliates any disease. It has instead as its goal the death of a human being. It is therefore not health care for the mother or her fetus, and research confirms this because the majority of OB-GYNs do not do abortions.”

Other doctors told The Spectator that it’s the lies about pro-life laws that really are creating confusion and putting women’s lives at risk. They accused some of their abortion-supporting colleagues of putting abortion politics ahead of their patients.

A leader in the effort to correct the lies is the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), which represents thousands of doctors.

In its fact sheet, “Myth vs. Fact: Correcting Misinformation on Maternal Medical Care,” AAPLOG explains that “93 percent of practicing OB-GYNs do not perform elective abortions but have always been able to offer life-saving treatment to women and will continue to be able to do so regardless of state laws on abortion.”

Meanwhile, all OB-GYNs “offer lifesaving medical care to pregnant women” and receive training to “discern when they need to intervene to save a mother’s life,” the fact sheet continues.

That includes caring for pregnant mothers who suffer miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. According to the medical association, the claim that abortion bans prevent women from receiving this care is a myth. Abortion bans prohibit the killing of unborn babies in elective abortions.

Dr. Christina Francis, CEO of AAPLOG and a practicing OB-GYN, said she never has had to kill an unborn baby to provide medical care to a mother.

“I’ve never needed to perform an elective abortion, and yet I’ve been able to take care of women with ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages throughout my career,” she said in an interview last year.

Even a few pro-abortion doctors have admitted the truth about pro-life laws. In testimony to Congress in September, Bhavik Kumar, the medical director for primary and trans care for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, said, “To date and to my knowledge, there are no laws that outlaw care for ectopic pregnancies.”

A fact check from the Charlotte Lozier Institute came to the same conclusions, with researchers pointing out that pro-life laws protect both mom and baby and “pregnant women’s lives are protected in all states.”

The reason is simple: Pro-life advocates care about protecting all human life, born and unborn. Enacting a law that protects unborn babies’ lives but puts mothers’ at risk is contrary to the pro-life movement’s goal. The mission of the movement is to save lives, and that includes mothers as well as their babies.