Teen Ballerina Born Without Arms Inspires the World: “I Never Give Up”

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jun 26, 2023   |   6:30PM   |   Berlin, Germany

Society loves overcomers and Vitória Bueno Boche is one.

The 19-year-old performer is a ballerina who was born without arms, according to Breitbart. After appearing in the German talent show Super Talent in 2021, she recently caught the attention of American audiences on America’s Got Talent All-Stars 2023.

Boche said she hopes her story will inspire others and encourage them to persevere even if they want to give up hope.

“I am a role model for people, so I am always looking to improve. I never give up. This gives people a lot of strength,” she said in a 2021 interview with AJPlus.

Born in Mina Gerais, Brazil, Boche learned to do things with her feet that most children do with their hands, including brushing her teeth.

From a very young age, she expressed a love for dancing, something her family and medical providers noticed, according to the report. So when a physiotherapist suggested that her mother enroll her in Academia De Dança Ândrea Falsarella, she did.

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“Any exercise that I found difficult I insisted and did not give up,” Bueno said. “We are more than our disabilities, so we have to chase our dreams,” she continued in a Reuters interview.

Determined to succeed, she said she worked hard at ballet and eventually received a scholarship. Now, she dances for audiences across the world.

Boche shares about her life on Instagram as well as the stage, encouraging others to pursue their dreams just like she has. Her story sends an important message that children with disabilities are valuable human beings from the womb. Often, society focuses on their potential suffering and the things that they cannot do, rather than focus on their value, their joy and their abilities.

Boche’s successes demonstrate that everyone has that same potential.

“Regardless of the difficulty, we have to make an effort, dedicate ourselves to always do our best. We can do anything but give up!” she said.