Gates and Clinton Families Pressuring Liberia to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jul 11, 2023   |   1:00AM   |   Washington, DC

Rich, powerful westerners, including the Clinton and Gates families, appear to be pressuring the Liberian government to legalize abortion on demand this summer.

Most African countries protect unborn babies by banning elective abortions, and polls consistently show massive public opposition to abortion in Africa, including a new Pew Research survey. But pro-abortion groups are trying to convince the public that pro-life laws are dangerous and legalizing the killing of unborn babies is good for women’s health.

In June, the Parliament of Liberia, on the west coast of Africa, began debating a bill to allow unborn babies to be aborted for any reason up to 18 weeks. Lawmakers are expected to consider the bill again this week.

Although the legislation appears to limit late-term abortions, it permits abortions through all nine months of pregnancy if the abortionist believes the pregnancy could harm the physical or psychological health of the mother. Some abortionists consider pregnancy itself to be a health risk, therefore the bill basically would allow abortion on demand up to birth.

Currently, Liberia protects unborn babies from abortion in most cases. Abortions are allowed only in limited circumstances such as rape, incest, fetal anomalies and threats to the mother’s life.

Senate Health Committee Chair Augustine Chea is the lead sponsor of the bill, according to AFP. Chea and others claim the change is necessary to protect women from dangerous back alley and self-induced abortions.

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“We want abortion to stop being a criminal offense, we want to amend the penal code to legalize abortion,” Chea told parliament in June.

But the real push to legalize abortion appears to be coming from pro-abortion western powers, not Liberian women or the country’s medical community.

The Liberian Observer identified the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Amplifying Rights Network as two key advocacy groups connected to the pro-abortion bill. Both groups have ties to some of the richest families in the world, including American billionaire Bill Gates and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

For example, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, founded by former pro-abortion U.S. President Bill Clinton, funded research that appears to show a high number of illegal, unsafe abortions in Liberia, according to the Observer.

Such research as well as maternal mortality data often are cited as evidence of the supposed need to legalize killing unborn babies in order to protect women’s lives. However, these claims repeatedly have been debunked by leading doctors and researchers. Aborting unborn babies is not health care, and legalizing abortion does nothing to protect women’s health or reduce maternal mortality.

Another pro-abortion group, Amplifying Rights Network, also is linked closely to western pro-abortion powers – suggesting outside money from Europe and North America may be the biggest influence behind the push to legalize abortion in Liberia.

According to a video on the group’s Facebook page, its partners include the Swedish government and RFSU (Swedish Association for Sexuality Education), and DKT International, which receives tens of millions of dollars from Bill Gates’ foundation to distribute abortion “kits” across the world. Another partner is UNFPA, a United Nations agency that receives tens of millions of Americans’ tax dollars under the Biden administration.

For years, pro-life leaders have been calling attention to the massive amounts of money that a few very rich individuals — most of them American – spend to influence states and countries across the world to legalize killing unborn babies. These include Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, the David and Lucille Packard Foundation (run by the heirs of one of the founders of Hewlett Packard), the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and others.

An estimated 46.2 million unborn babies were aborted in the world in 2020. These babies were unique, living human beings who deserved a right to life, but the number of deaths could grow even higher if western billionaires convince African countries like Liberia to legalize abortion on demand.