The Pro-Life Movement Loves Babies and Loves Women

Opinion   |   Maria Gallagher   |   Jul 17, 2023   |   6:23PM   |   Washington, DC

It was one of those moments that captivated the heart, demonstrating what love looks like in practice.

I was sitting in church when all of a sudden I spied a tiny boy toddling up the steps of the altar. He seemed so confident and self-assured for one so young. He wanted to be part of the action, and he was thrilled to be at the center of the proceedings.

Just then, he lost his footing and slipped. The clergyman then bent down and scooped the little one up into his arms. The cleric ultimately delivered the boy into the waiting arms of a man who looked to be his grandfather.

The clergyman later remarked how we all need to welcome the little children. This is so true in our society today, where, tragically, abortion is rampant.

But there is a good, strong, kind pro-life movement that welcomes the babies with open arms, open minds, and open hearts.

With each pregnancy test administered…with each diaper drive and baby bottle collection campaign…with every compassionate word uttered and financial contribution made…advocates for life are leaving a legacy of love for the next generation.

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Love is powerful and unstoppable, and will triumph in the end.

The labor of love that is the pro-life movement takes many forms. Some of it lies in lobbying legislators to pass legislation protective of mother and child. Some of it involves showing students the development of the child in the mother’s womb. The work is selfless and inspiring and brings out the best in our fellow men and women.

Whether it be the youthful face of a teenager marching on behalf of pre-born babies or the time-honored visage of a 90-year-old sorting baby clothes, the face of the pro-life movement is the face of love. On the most difficult days, it can bring hope to the most despairing of hearts. Note: Maria Gallagher is the Legislative Director and Political Action Committee Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and she has written and reported for various broadcast and print media outlets, including National Public Radio, CBS Radio, and AP Radio.