Planned Parenthood’s Figures Show It Kills 1,200 Babies Every Day in Abortions

National   |   Samantha Farnsworth   |   Aug 1, 2023   |   10:01AM   |   Washington, DC

Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood released its infamous Annual Report for 2021-2022. Most of this report is just propaganda, used to elicit donations in lamenting their losses and celebrating their victories. But at the very end, they list out exactly how many of each “service” they rendered during the year, as well as report their financials. This is where they truly show their hand.

In 2021, Planned Parenthood took the lives of 374,155 preborn children through abortion. Since most Planned Parenthoods are closed on Sundays, this means they killed roughly 1,200 children every single day in 2021.


This high number of abortions was accompanied by just 1,803 adoption referrals, amounting to 207 abortions for every single adoption referral. For every pregnancy that they help carry to term with prenatal services, they forcibly end 60 pregnancies. This disbursement of services shows where the abortion giant’s true priorities lie.

It gets even more obvious. Each year, Planned Parenthood offers more abortions to fewer clients. Ten years ago, the abortion corporation was regularly seeing 3 million clients annually, with around ten percent of them getting abortions. But in the last couple years, they have only seen just over two million clients, while still committing MORE abortions than ever before. Now, one in every 5 or 6 clients is there solely for an abortion.

LifeNews Note: Samantha Farnsworth writes for Texas Right to Life.