Democrat Party Says It Wants House With Trump Decorations to “Burn” Down

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Aug 2, 2023   |   4:31PM   |   Washington, DC

The Missouri Democratic Party called for a Trump supporter’s house to burn down this week in a now-deleted post on Twitter.

Fox News reports the state Democratic Party’s official Twitter account later removed the post without issuing an apology, and did not respond to a request for comment.

Screenshots of the original post show the party responding to a question Monday from Democrat campaigner Jon Cooper asking what people would do if their next-door neighbor covered their house with flags promoting Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign.

“The roof, the roof, the roof is on [fire] we don’t need no water, let the ‘insert your word’ burn!” the Missouri Democratic Party responded in the now-deleted tweet. “#VoteBlue2024.”

The comment quickly sparked outrage on Twitter, drawing attention from federal lawmakers and members of the Trump family.


“No big deal, just the official account of the Missouri Democrat Party openly calling to burn down the homes of Trump supporters,” Donald Trump Jr. responded on Twitter.

U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, also condemned Democrats’ “violent rhetoric” in a post on Twitter.

“Here’s the Missouri Democrat Party advocating for a Trump supporter’s home to burn down. Sick,” Hawley wrote, sharing a screenshot of the comment. “There’s no place for this kind of disgusting, violent rhetoric in Missouri.”

After the post was removed, Hawley accused Democrats of “trying to bury their cheerleading for violence” without condemning it or issuing an apology.

In a comment to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri Democratic Party executive director Matthew Patterson said the comment was “inappropriate” and the staff member who wrote it was reprimanded.

However, the newspaper only identified one prominent Missouri Democrat who actually condemned the call for violence: state Rep. Sarah Unsicker, D-Shrewsbury.

“Any organization that would post something like this needs a new social media director,” Unsicker responded.

The comment comes amid growing violence aimed at pro-life advocates and churches across America.

Since news leaked in May 2022 about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, LifeNews has counted approximately 300 incidents, including the shooting of an elderly pro-life woman in Michigan and the firebombing of a New York pregnancy center.

In November, FBI Director Christopher Wray admitted that most of the abortion-related attacks within the past year have targeted pro-life organizations. “Since the Dobbs decision, probably in the neighborhood of 70 percent of our abortion-related violence cases or threats cases are cases of violence or threats against … pro-life organizations,” he told a U.S. Senate committee.

Meanwhile, attacks on Christian churches have almost tripled in the past four years, according to a 2022 report from the Family Research Council. One incident earlier this month in Louisiana left a Catholic priest in critical condition after police said a man attacked him with a machete outside St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Melville.

Republican lawmakers have been demanding action from the Biden administration to crack down on domestic terrorism against pro-life advocates and Christians. But, while the Biden administration has been aggressively working to expand the killing of unborn babies in abortions, it has done seemingly little to stop the violence and hostilities directed at religious and pro-life organizations.