New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham Brags About Making Taxpayers Fund Abortion Center

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Aug 21, 2023   |   9:58AM   |   Santa Fe, New Mexico

Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham recently bragged in a fundraising letter that she forced state taxpayers to fund a new abortion center killing babies.

The Democrat has signed multiple bills — including one allowing abortions up to birth — and she recently signed another pro-abortion bill into law adding legal protections for abortionists to a long list of actions that seek to expand the killing of unborn babies in elective abortions.

Then, in August in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Grisham, who claims to be Catholic, announced plans to spend $10 million taxpayer dollars to build a new abortion facility near the Texas border.

She recently bragged about that to Democrat voters in a Democrat Party of New Mexico (DPNM) fundraising email:

She touted her 2021 bill that stripped all protections for women, mothers, and medical professionals and effectively legalized abortion up-to-birth with a door open to infanticide — something already occurring in New Mexico.

She listed “[o]verturning New Mexico’s … abortion ban in 2021, preemptively protecting abortion rights in our state even before the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision” as an accomplishment.

“The work doesn’t stop there. As Governor, I dedicated $10 million from my capital outlay funding for a full-spectrum reproductive health clinic in southern New Mexico,” she bragged.

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State Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo) led the charge to strip the $10 million from the appropriation bill.

Bipartisan legislators later opposed her extremist allocation, but the bill was passed with the governor’s millions for a new abortion mill to kill more babies in the state.

Grisham and pro-abortion Democrats who control the state legislature have been working aggressively to expand killing unborn babies in abortions. In March, she also signed House Bill 7 to thwart local voters’ efforts to protect unborn babies by passing pro-life ordinances at the city and county level.

In 2021, Grisham signed a law repealing a 1969 statute that prohibited abortions except in cases of rape, incest or threats to the mother’s life. The statute was not in effect at the time because of Roe v. Wade, and repealing it ensured that abortion on demand remains legal in the state.

New Mexico has some of the most pro-abortion laws in the country. The state allows unborn babies to be aborted for any reason up to birth and forces taxpayers to pay for their deaths.

According to Centers for Disease Control data, New Mexico abortion facilities reported 3,942 abortions in 2019. However, reporting is voluntary and the number may be higher.