Woman Celebrates Killing Her Baby in Abortion in Viral Tik-Tok Video

National   |   Dave Andrusko   |   Aug 21, 2023   |   4:02PM   |   Washington, DC

You don’t have to read far into Alice Gibbs’ review for Newsweek to know where she is coming from. In fact, under the category “Wellness & Fitness,” the tell-all headline for her story is “Mom Films At-Home Abortion to Destigmatize Termination: ‘Nothing to Hide.’”

In her opening sentence, Gibbs gushes “One woman’s courageous decision to share her personal experience of abortion on TikTok has sparked a wave of discussion online.” “Monica’s” first sentence is “Take a trip with me on My first abortion at-home.”


Pro-lifers—actually anyone who finds brutality masquerading as “nothing to be seen here” appalling—will gulp at the mugging and sly comments about ordering a hamburger from Wendy’s as the life flows out of her baby. But, of course, we are not the target audience.

The video is less than two-minutes long. We’ll get to the specifics in a second but what cannot be missed is how radically misleading it is to cram hours and hours, even days and days of cramping and bleeding and agony into one minute, 49 seconds.

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In the interview with Gibbs, “Monica” is identified solely by her first name. We learn that Monica lives in Los Angles and has one daughter. We know nothing about why she chose to allow her first daughter to live or the reason she chose to abort her second baby. Needless to say, there is not a word about the father(s) but why would there be, right?

In the video, which has been viewed over 3 million times, she “shared how she prepared and went through with an abortion at nine weeks pregnant,” Gibbs writes. “On camera, she shared the items she had stocked up with, including medications, maxi pads and water, and showed the schedule.”

At this juncture, Gibbs inserts a cautionary note. “It is important to note that the information in the video is based on her personal experience and is not medical advice. Anyone seeking support or advice on abortion should contact a medical professional.” Not that you would likely get honest advice. The complication rate is far greater than women are told and I strongly suspect the awful pain of a ”medication abortion” is also minimized.

Monica tells Gibbs, “I wanted to create a safe space for women to come forward and share their experiences and stories about their abortions without the fear of being judged or criticized.” She adds,  “I’ve noticed that the media tends to ignore the topic of abortion as a whole and I thought, ‘Well, maybe if I come forward and share my own journey, we can finally talk about it.’”

Seriously? You can find an unlimited number of “safe spaces”—”places without the fear of being judged or criticized”—for heaven’s sake.

As for “ignor[ing] the topic of abortion”? Excuse me but is silly. We are inundated with abortion-related stories, the vast majority of which non-judgmentally affirm a woman’s “right” to snuff out her unborn baby’s life.

I mentioned the mugging but that is to reassure her audience that she is one of them and abortion is no big deal. Although she is 25, Monica sounds and acts like a teenager, another sign that, for pro-abortionists, this advice cannot be given too soon.

However it also true that there are parts in her account of her abortion, which took place July 20, especially about the incredible pain of a chemical abortion, that ring true, although it very questionable that many women are essentially pain-free after one-night, as Monica says she was.

At some point (it’s not terribly clear when but soon) after she takes the second drug that makes us the chemical abortion regimen, “I am really starting to pass a lot of blood clots, which is very expected- ‘they were huge.” A close up shows Monica in great pain.

A few minutes later and “I’m in so much pain I am just laying down.”

After that passes, she tells us, “I order some Wendy’s.”

The next shot takes place the following morning. Monica concludes, “The pain was unbearable last night but I made it and I’m okay.”

Thumbs up and “Bye! :)”

Is this “destigmatizing” abortion or avidly promoting it? To ask the question is to answer it.

Finally, the interview with Gibbs ends with this:

With the praise and thanks from other women for sharing the experience, Monica said that she hopes that, in the future, abortion becomes more normalized by society as a whole. …

“It’s not as scary as many people have been taught to believe, and they are not alone.”

I could not help thinking…only the baby is alone.

LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.