Violent Crime is Out of Control, But Biden Wants Pro-Life People in Prison for Saving Babies

Opinion   |   Gary Bauer   |   Aug 22, 2023   |   5:02PM   |   Washington, DC

There’s an interesting court case playing out right now in Washington, D.C. Ten pro-life activists are facing charges under the FACE Act that could send them to jail for 11 years because they blockaded a notorious abortion clinic. What makes this case unique is that a couple of these are liberal activists, members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.

Not counting what’s happening inside Washington’s abortion clinics, the city is currently experiencing a major surge in violence. Homicides are up 28% compared to last year.

But local officials seem curiously disinterested with the bullets flying into people’s homes or skyrocketing carjackings.

The entire political establishment of our nation’s capital, which voted 92% to 5% for Joe Biden, is obsessed with two things: Putting Middle Americans in jail for doing what radical leftists do all the time and locking up the people who dare to try to stop the violence that takes place every day inside abortion clinics.

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The progressive movement is all in on destroying innocent human life, and the left tolerates no dissent. Progressive pro-lifers are as rare as short NBA players.

The fact that this group is such an outlier increases the likelihood that DC leftists will smash them in court, and there is nothing restraining the far-left prosecutor in Washington, D.C.

Nevertheless, they remain confident in the righteousness of their cause.

Lauren Handy told LifeSiteNews, “There is no shame in passionately and vulnerably loving our neighbors as ourselves. The preborn are our neighbors. And we have a moral and ethical obligation to love them in action and word.”

Will Goodman, another defendant in this case, said, “I’m sad, not because we’re being persecuted by the federal government, but because the federal government is persecuting the unborn. . . The battle belongs to God. And, so, we place it in His hands.”

Please join me in praying for these liberal Christians who are willing to resist abortion. I pray we have the same courage in defense of our values as these progressive activists have demonstrated.

If the country continues on its current trajectory, particularly with the election interference we are witnessing now and what the left is doing to our children in the public schools, I believe we are heading into a time where widespread civil disobedience may be necessary.

And the conservative, pro-family, pro-life movement needs allies anywhere we can get them. Note: Gary Bauer is the president of American Values, a national pro-family organization and is the former president of the Family Research Council. Bauer ran for the Republican nomination for president and appears frequently on radio and television programs.