Radical Group Supporting Abortions Up to Birth Endorses Joe Biden for President

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Aug 25, 2023   |   4:24PM   |   Washington, DC

A radical leftist group that support abortions up to birth has endorsed Joe Biden for president.

The National Organization for Women, the misnamed group which only represents the most liberal women of America, supports unlimited abortions. It has spent decades fighting each and every pro-life law that would limit abortions in any fashion.

So it’s no surprise that the leftist group is on board for Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

The Biden administration is “the firewall against these horrible attempts to roll back our basic rights to abortion, contraception, and healthcare access, to LGBTQ+ protection, to pay parity, and equity,” said Christian Nunes, national president of the group.

“We are organizing in every city and town and everywhere in between, across the country to mobilize and turn out voters,” she said, referring to the work being done by the group’s 100,000 members and supporters.

The endorsement comes on the same day Biden’s campaign is spending $25 million on a new ad trashing the pro-life Republican candidates.

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Not only is Joe Biden a radical abortion activist who supports killing babies in abortions up to birth, he doesn’t understand basic science. In a new television ad trashing the Republican candidates and celebrating abortion, Biden calls the act of killing a baby a “decision about your body.”

The Democrat clearly doesn’t understand the fact that an unborn baby is NOT a woman’s body.

Today, the Biden campaign released a new television ad that highlights the pro-life views of the Republican presidential candidates — slamming Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott. The one-minute ad, titled “These Guys,” features Trump celebrating overturning Roe v. Wade, Ron DeSantis signing the heartbeat bill to save babies, and Tim Scott saying he would sign pro-life laws as president.

“The last people who should be involved are these guys,” the ad says. “Decisions about your body should be made by you. Not by them.”

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